MovieChat Forums > The Night Of (2016) Discussion > Duane Reade covered how much of the budg...

Duane Reade covered how much of the budget?

That kind of free advertising doesn't just happen.


I'm not in New York but the way it's depicted seems to indicate they don't need the help. It seems like actual realism.


You're right, Tony. I am in New York and Duane Reade has bought up Walgreen. Their only competition is CVS and some mom and pop small Rite-Way stores.


Damn, buying up Walgreen's means serious business. Thanks for responding, was genuinely interested. Out here we have CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreen's. I would say rite aid is on the out but they seem to be fighting hard and Walgreen's hasn't really moved, so I dunno.



Walgreens bought Duane Reade.

