Idiots... all of them

As I was watching this movie, I couldn't believe how stupid they all were being. I can give only so many allowances for the fact that they were trying to be compassionate because Will & Eden were grieving. How many people out there would take their new girlfriend to their ex-wife's house (which used to be his house too) to hang out with her and all your old mutual friends? What?! Am I the only one who thinks that's weird? If I had been Kira I would not have been ok with the whole situation, especially how Eden and Will acted when they reunited - like there's still feelings there... Ewww. Eden was gross looking by the way... But that's another story. Even if I could accept the fact of the awkward invite and circumstances around the dinner party, I am supposed to believe that everyone would hang around after the weird girl came down, kissed someone, they watched a video of someone dying, a murderer joins the party, cocaine is handed out, all the doors are locked on the INSIDE and the windows are barred, oh and someone is missing... They're all idiots. The movie bit up until the last 15 minutes and even then it was so-so... hard to care about a bunch of idiots who are too worried about social etiquette and niceties to keep themselves from getting killed...


What doors are locked from the outside?


Well normal doors can be unlocked from the inside as well.


Actually I think they acted pretty realistically for most of the movie. These people don't know they're in a horror movie and they were among old friends. Never in a million years would they think their friends would kill them, no matter how weird they were acting.

Where the main character's behavior DID lose me, though, was when he had his second little outburst (after he hears Choi's message) when he pretty much already knew something was seriously wrong. He should have just quietly left with his girlfriend at that point. He would have expected an attempt at violence, so would have been ready to protect himself unlike poor Claire.

I realize Choi came in afterwards and made the main guy look like a paranoid idiot, but he shouldn't have stuck around to witness that at all--he should have left with his girlfriend way before that.


Kira already knew Will's friends which is evident from the familiar greetings at the beginning.

Will and Eden hadn't seen each other for 2 years and they had both moved on.

Yeah, it may seem strange to some to still be your exes life but it's not uncommon; especially when you still share friends and such a traumatic experience as losing a child.


I said the same thing in another thread. Nobody here acts anything like a normal human being. It was like watching a movie set in a parallel universe or something.


yeah don't worry, there billions of retarded people in the world


i get what you're saying but that is what made it even creepier for me.

because in real life, think about how many times people just make themselves sit through a very uncomfortable situation. very rarely in real life do you see people just stand up and say how they are feeling like ... "This is just awkward so I am gonna go." ........"You just said x, y and z so eff you because this is how I feel, peace out."

I myself, unfortunately, have sat through awful dinner parties, or gone to events/parties I was miserable at and just shut my mouth and watched others shut their mouths out of feeling afraid to just say PEACE.

So what made this movie creepier was taking that fact of real life, and seeing these people who were all best friends and cared about Will and Eden, sit there and endure this awful evening which led to their horrific death. It all felt very real to me while watching. It was a well done film. It actually wasn't one of those "Oh its so hard for me to feel bad about this you're all idiots" kind of scary movie.

It's such common human behavior to do what they all did. I will say this though, Claire leaving would have been me. There is always usually one or two people who will politely get the eff out. I have done that before when I really did feel uncomfortable. There was drugs involved and people were talking crudely and I felt distrubed and I stood up and said I'm sorry, I am really tired I am going to go. I left by myself.

So yeah this situation was diff--- lots of weird, creepy *beep* was happening. I would have left probably after the video. If not the video, definitely after Pruitt's story.

And yeah maybe in the real world these things combined would youd think people would just leave. But these were all supposed to be a very close knit group who trusted each other. And felt very deeply sorry for their best friends loss of a child. Who had also been drinking wine, and even if they were uncomfortable or not really understanding what was happening in the moment (We as an audience saw it much more clear than them in the moment) Yea they prob felt weird after the video, and the story blah blah but I kept putting myself in their shoes. And I felt like Claire, like yup bye. But it wasn't so unrealistic to me at all that the others were just staying and thinking "Ok this is such a weird get together but I will stick it out for Eden , and Will"

So when Gina took the sip before saying cheers, I knew shed die. And when they said "shes not breathing" I knew they meant Gina and even though I predicted it, it still gave me chills. Because the entire movie is shot so well that it puts you very intensely in the moment with them. Imagine being at a weird feeling party, you're too scared to confront anyone about it, so you stay polite and go through the motions, and you take a sip of wine and die. Or, you are like Will, the entire night you feel paranoid but not exactly sure what it is you're paranoid about, just feeling weirded out by the people and the things being said, and it keeps getting more weird, and then boom right when you say omg dont drink it, your friend dies. Its so creepy. I think this movive is a 9/10.

I've watched many awful horror movies where I am yelling at the screen "YOU'RE A EFFING IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING" and I get frustrated. With this I did think "Ok woulda left way earlier" but I understood why they didnt. And I didnt even get frustrated with them even though I wanted them to leave.


Imagine being at a weird feeling party, you're too scared to confront anyone about it, so you stay polite and go through the motions, and you take a sip of wine and die. Or, you are like Will, the entire night you feel paranoid but not exactly sure what it is you're paranoid about, just feeling weirded out by the people and the things being said, and it keeps getting more weird, and then boom right when you say omg dont drink it, your friend dies. Its so creepy. I think this movive is a 9/10.

I've watched many awful horror movies where I am yelling at the screen "YOU'RE A EFFING IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING" and I get frustrated. With this I did think "Ok woulda left way earlier" but I understood why they didnt. And I didnt even get frustrated with them even though I wanted them to leave.

Well said. I too kept putting myself in their shoes and wondered what I would do and yes, I was able to rationalize what happened and I must say I would have stayed with my friends (and to see how the night unfolds). I don't like to embarrass myself or cause a scene either.


When Choi turned up that's when I realized he was already dead and they were all vampires.


I agree, worst girl friend ever. You guy is walking into an emotional situation and you don't have a talk until after he has an outburst; and he has been acting hella weird. No we have to go, now. I would have been gone five minutes after I came.
