explain please

i keep seeing this commercial on hulu and i have no idea what he says as each girl walks by. besides the roofy comment. can someone tell me please?


i think i might like the movie congo a little to much





I know what commercial you are talking about, I came here for the same reason. When the old lady walks by he say "a bottle of [something, can't understand] and a suicide note". The one that really bugs me is when the last lady walks by, it sounds the first 2 words he says are 2 fingers but I'm not sure.

"Why is it our job to save everyone? Haven't we done enough?"


I'm guessing he is saying what it would take for him to sleep with each woman or something like that. The first one he says two beers, the cop lady he says roofie, for me. The old lady he says bullet in the skull, suicide note and the last one he says two fingers neat.


I think he says 'bottle of mezcal'.

"Shakespeare was a genius. He was the president of Rome." Workaholics


LOOK. Do yourself a favor and watch Jim Jefferies dvd... I Swear To God.... and listen to every f__king thing he has to say and understand it. Get out of your American hole and realize that other people in the world speak a little different to you. Most Americans can understand him.... SO WHY CAN'T YOU




I watched the Ad for a 2nd time, it's so f__king easy to understand and he is not mumbling. You stupid FOOL.


1st LADY - "Two beers"

2nd LADY - "Roofy, for me"

3rd LADY - "Bottle of Mezcal, suicide note"

4th LADY - "Two fingers, neat"


glad the angry obnoxious twat changed his mind and decided to be useful.


for real. thanks for clearing that up, sorry i didnt understand him jeez lol. some peoples kids


i think i might like the movie congo a little to much


Geez dash was all of that necessary?
