Dark Dark episode...
The last episode was probably one of the darkest ones yet. I really enjoyed seeing Steve go off the rails, the midget he mistook for Billy was hilarious.
shareThe last episode was probably one of the darkest ones yet. I really enjoyed seeing Steve go off the rails, the midget he mistook for Billy was hilarious.
shareDan Bakkedahl is killing it this season. Steve is just a pathetic mess of a human being, I'd almost feel bad for him if he wasn't such an idiot.
shareI don't understand why we're not being allowed to rate this episode. "Not yet released"? It was on two nights ago!
I half expected the episode to end with Steve dead. "Licked" almost seemed to be crude for the sake of being crude; "Weekend" was purposefully dark and poignant in places. I don't even remember laughing until the scene in the restroom with the crack pipe.
"He IS Redstone."
That was Eric the Actor formerly Eric the Midget.
shareUnfortunately, this episode may have been the last nail in the coffin for Steve with me. I've never really cared for him but going off the way he did on his daughter's weekend with him over something as stupid as his ex getting pregnant is just inexcusable. I have to wonder what his ex saw in him in the first place.