Beyond the plot

* SPOILERS * (Obviously)

This was a great movie, and it left me wanting more.

Questions it raised that I was left with:

John/Jane: Is this person a true Ouroboros with no beginning? Was there an original Jane or perhaps another life form that underwent repeated transformations?

Is Robertson future John? They both have kind of a long face.

The whole life cycle seems very self-serving. It only exists to perpetuate itself. But why? What is the purpose of this elaborate design?

By folding people back on themselves many times, creating offspring in the process, could you spawn an entire population from a single being? Could make a neat origin story.

There's good potential here for a sequel.


To answer your questions:

John/Jane is John/Jane, always has been and always will be. There was no original Jane or another life form. She/he was born from themself. a paradox.

I think the movie leaves it up to the viewer to decide if Robertson is future John. They do look very similar and it would indeed make sense but since the movie never addresses this then I guess there is no actual answer.

There is no purpose. His life is predestined and so the agency helps John to set the wheels in motion. I believe that they know he is the fizzy bomber and as future john explains to himself he saved way more lives by killing the few. But the only way for him to become to fizzy bomber is to first *beep* up his life, which has already happened anyway.

There are no many times. THis is a closed time loop. Everything happens only once. No need for an origin story.

Not really. All the questions have been answered.


Nice answers. I'm going to watch this again tonight. I love this film but I agree there's nothing to be gained from a sequel.

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


Maybe your questions have been answered, but you have no imagination. Everything I said is conceivable, and a possibility for the movie.


Its not a paradox, its a closed temporal causality loop. They are all the same person, and I suspect John's machine is how time travel I discovered and the bureau founded.
