Sorry if I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but there's an element of 9/11 in this film.
Let me explain, the story starts with an agent sent to stop a terrorist from killing people.
The fact that the agent is going to become the terrorist at the end is the last twist.
But what else do we know about this world? We know that in March 1975, 11,000 killed.
They were killed in... New York City, the same city on a day 3000 were killed.
Both events were believed to be caused by terrorists.
The events of 3000 being killed in reality, is what begins the "War on Terror".
It is this event that leads later to an Iraq invasion, but also the US Patriot Act.
The US Patriot Act is believed by some conspiracy theorists as a war on freedoms.
That is civil freedoms, the rights to privacy, the rights of stronger security.
This is what conspiracy theorists believe will make the US a Police State.
Some conspiracy theorists believe that the US Government allowed 9/11 to take place.
As was mentioned by Michael Moore, the US Government was aware of Al-Qaeda's plans.
Ok, Moore is left-wing and biased in his films, even considered a conspriacy theorist.
What's interesting is that Al-Qaedia was under control of one Osama Bin Laden.
Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaedia were believed to have been created by the CIA.
The Al-Qaedia were previously the mujahadeen, afghan warlords fighting the Soviets.
This all happened during the Cold War, when Soviet Union/Russia was fighting the US.
Afghanistan was targeted probably due to it being an OPEC country and thus a resource.
The CIA trained the mujahadeen and provided them weapons due to one Charles Wilson.
If you don't believe me, look for Charlie Wilson's War film starring Tom Hanks.
The CIA provided tactical training to Al-Qaedia which they used against the Soviets.
After the fall of Soviets and the end of the Cold War, Afghanis turned on the US.
The World Trade Center was a symbol of capitalism, globalization and secularism.
All these were considered threats to Islamic extremists, thus leading to the attacks.
This was why the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were chosen as targets on 9/11.
The idea is the US government knew of the attacks and allowed them to take place.
Not to kill people, but to wage a war that to conspiracy theorists was about control.
Control not only of terrorist activities but of civilian activities as well.
The Edward Snowden case of data-collection and metadata was considered a result.
That and the War on Terror that has continued despite Osama Bin Laden's death.
What this basically boils down to is a US Government allowing terrorist attacks.
Killing 3000 people, according to some people, led to War on Terror and Patriot Act.
Now imagine what 11,000 people being killed in March 1975 could have ended with.
What we know from the film is that time travel is supposedly invented in 1981.
What I believe is the connection is that time travel was invented due to March 1975.
It leads to a reason for the Temporal Bureau to exist and get US Government funding.
The Fizzle Bomber's attacks are used as reasons for the Temporal Bureau to exist.
This leads to a new level of social control, through the manipulation of time.
This probably leads to new technological developments such as Space Corp.
Space Corp in the 60s is used as a front for the Temporal Agency to find agents.
The paradox is that if the March 1975 attacks didn't happen time travel wouldn't exist.
The other paradox is that the Fizzle Bomber can only exist due to time travel.
All the Fizzle Bomber's life, from conception to death was caused by time travel.
True, the Fizzle Bomber, later to be seen as Jane, caused these events as an agent.
Thus all the events in Fizzle Bomber's life had to take place to create time travel.
This is basically an allegory of the US allowing a terrorist attack to take place.
The people who caused the terrorist attack were also trained by the US government.
The terrorist group Al-Qaeda was formed according to some, by the US Government.
Without the training or formation, the War on Terror may not even have occurred.
Simply substitute Al-Qaeda with The Fizzle Bomber and you'll see the allegory.
What this film is about is an allegory of Al-Qaeda, 9/11 and the War on Terror.
Some people could think of how these events could have been predestined to happen.
Hence why the film may have been chosen to be called predestination.
The original short story the film is based on was called all you zombies.
This could also be a reference in the story to us being in a trance or zombie-like.
This could have been a metaphor for how America might have been in the 1950s.
The fear of Soviet Union invading American Society has been a fear for a long time.
Some conspiracy theorists even believed that the attack on Pearl Harbour was allowed.
Conspiracy theorists believe that the US provoked Japan into causing the attack.
This would have been a reason to possibly begin work on the Manhattan Project.
A weapon which they thought could lead to a complete new way of running the world.
This creation of atomic bombs was believed to have been provocative to the Soviets.
Hence why after 1945, some conspiracy theorists believe the Cold War began.
A Cold War which led to the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 by the Soviet Union.
Which led to Al-Qaeda, which led to 9/11, which led to today's War on Terror.
At least that's what some conspiracy theorists believe. ;)
Sorry again for the long post, but I hope this has helped, just my two cents worth.