Better than the 1st one

For me, anyway. I know everyone likes the 1st one better, but for me it was kinda messy. The beginning was out of nowhere and not all characters were given a chance to stand out (Hawkeye and Natasha are most obvious examples). It was still great, of course.

AOU was better for me for several reasons. Every character mattered this time around (in extension to that, it felt a lot more as a character-driven movie than the 1st one.
Ultron was a better villain then Loki (again, imo), There's something about Spader's voice that is just horrible, scary, beautiful and unbelievable.

AOU has some pacing problems and, at times, unnecessary humor, but was more emotional than the 1st one also.

It's all personal taste and for me, this one betas the 1st one.


A lot of people are saying this but I go back and forth. I love both. After I saw this one the second time I was certain it was better. Then, I rewatched Avengers on TV and remembered what a perfect classic it turned out to be. This sequel is splendid but I can't call it perfect. So, right now this minute, I still rate Avengers 1 slightly ahead.


AOU is certainly better on 2nd viewing.


I like that more emphasis is given to Natasha/Hawkeye given they haven;t had their own films to shine in.

Too bad everything else feels unfinished or an advert for an upcoming marvel movie where nothing will continue to happen because they are leading that film into another moie where some other BIG EVENT is going to happen but we'll all be burned out by endless sequels to care becuse we know it's going to end with Spoiler alert: GOOD GUYS WIN!


I can't wait to see where they branch the Avengers team and concept from this point forward. There are so many great possibilities. First up, Civil War and a brush with Cap's ultimate fate.


I absolutely love them both.


Better than the first if you smoke crack while watching it. You need to do something heavy to think that way.


You really don't, actually.

Check out my blog, if you will:


I think so too.


It's interesting to see everyone's take. Some are calling this great but less than Avengers and some are saying it's even better. After seeing it at home, I'm voting option "A".


I've seen it three times now, and I like them about equal.

There's some things I prefer about AOU and vice versa.

Whoa, this is heavy


Agreed. And while Ultron may not have been scary as he could've been at least his motivation was on point. Loki was entertaining as all hell but it was like "wait?--why are you doing this??" Not to mention that the climatic battle in the first film felt like it had been done a thousand times already.

You'd feel cocky too if you were full of myself.
