A lot of talk had been thrown about that the first Avengers was the best adventure film ever made, knocking out classics like LOTR, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Spider-Man 2. Well, Age of Ultron actually did what many thought of as impossible. It tops the first Avengers film. How do you top a masterpiece? By delivering the same fun, action and humor but adding more complexity and more depth. Whedon and company should be commended for taking it to the next level even if most people thought those heights weren’t even possible given the love for the first film.
I guess it shouldn’t be such a surprise because Marvel has set this up from the start and have done so delivering some instant classics along the way. Most every solo hero film has been rewarding in some way or another. In this instant classic, they combined the greatness of what we've already seen but added even more epic elements. No other franchise gets individual solo films to develop a film's characters. They had the budget and the right guy in place and he made it all work. Most everyone is calling AoU the best sequel ever made but it may just be the greatest adventure film of all-time.