MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Discussion > I dare to say Age of Ultron is a great m...

I dare to say Age of Ultron is a great movie

Pity on me, I'm very ashamed to admit that I've watched the movie only tonight!!!! I don't know why, but I wasn't so attracted by it in the very first place and just let this slip away from my personal radar.

I loved the character development a lot. THOR is the same boring and non-charismatic entity (as character) as always, maybe more than ever. But I loved the way they handled the other characters anyway --- I loved the screenplay and I loved the dialogues.
ULTRON felt very predictable as character, his motivations seemed cliché as hell, but I pictured him much worse in the trailer. I must admit that Ultron worked well in the film, all in all.
I also loved the direction. It wasn't as brilliant as the first Avengers movie, but it was very good nonetheless.
My biggest complain is that I feel the movie truly required longer battles and more "dense" action pieces. It seems like they just diluted the action rhythm too much. I'm talking about the pacing, of course.
I wanted more battle scenes featuring Iron Man (not Hulkbuster mode), even.

Anyway, I would dare to say it's a great movie and it's very rewatchable. I wasn't expecting that at all. - The BEST X-Men Movie Timelines in history.


No shame in being late to a party as long as you still enjoy yourself.

This truly is a great sequel. Yes, Ultron was somewhat predictable but it's exactly what was needed for the story. While not "born yesterday" like Vision, Ultron's actions showed his "youth" and early development. He was trying to coup with his own ambitions and purpose while trying to understand human existence.

Thor has plenty of built in charm but was short-changed overall in the script. Someone has to be I suppose. I REALLY wish they had left the entire cave scene in tact. The deleted scenes show it was a much bigger scene and it makes much more sense. Cutting it is a bizarre choice since it doesn't save but a few minutes of running time.

AOU is a very rewatchable film just like the first one. I doubt I'll ever get tired of it.


It got better in subsequent watchings. The first time I saw it, it was 'just ok'.

Thor is a demigod amongst mortal, though powerful, but still mortal, men, and kinda has to go about as if he doesn't want to act like he's the big badass on the block. He COULD if he wanted to, but realizes that it takes a team effort. Technically, he's probably the 'best' player on the team, but has no problem letting the team shine, so to speak. He goes about with no 'ego' with the Avengers, I surmise.

I liked ULTRON. Some didn't, because they didn't think he was menacing enough. I disagree. He was menacing, considerably imposing (he looked like he was 'juicing' the whole time, not just at the end....I wonder how much he weighed, before and after), and his humor was pretty good. I wonder what he had to say when Hulk cut him off (he was saying, "With the benefit of hindsight...",...I wonder where that was going).

The action did feel a bit 'cluttered' to me, but wasn't too bad. Didn't care for Hulk using his mouth to tear apart a 'puny robot' (I'm sure that's how he'd put it).

When we're thinking about our own brain, would that be a mental paradox??


Just two questions:

Did Scarlet Witch do wrong when she let Ultron trigger the bomb at the very end?

And how did Iron Man and Thor manage to survive anyway? - The BEST X-Men Movie Timelines in history.


Again, maybe it was fair to rate it 8.5/10 right after seeing it with your mind racing but upon reflection, this movie is a 9/10 at worst.


The movie is usually better on the second viewing.


No sweat as long as you get it right. I know people that have just discovered the Godfather or Shawshank Redemption.


Thor isn't charismatic? I disagree on that one.


The OP is a guy, presumably straight. He doesn't get Thor's appeal. It's to be expected.

Great white sharks are attracted to death metal music.


And dare to know that thou speakth the truth!


Being correct in even way is no daring anything. It's boldly proclaiming the truth!


Daring to be right is hardly a dare at all. Of course most people think this is a great film because it IS if judged with an open mind.
