The median consensus is that AoU is a GREAT film and a win for Whedon
So, this article has been discussed here ...
but this line trumps all other talk...
"Overall the median consensus is that it was a great film and a win for Whedon."
That is the line that matters most in that article. Giving voice or even taking time to answer the intended over-exaggerations revolving around the Prima Nocta joke or the ridiculous assertions surrounding Black Widow's origin is absurd to say the least.
"These two 'offenses' ruffled feathers so much that people almost literally dusted off their pitchforks and lit up torches."
No one who wasn't already an intended troll and hater cared one bit. They used these two topics as an excuse to try and bash an exceptional sequel. These were simply fans of other franchises and anti-Marvel people looking for a way to lash out at their perceived "arch-enemy." If Whedon had wrote the same exact things in to a Serenity 2, not one peep would have been heard. End of story.
A better point is that Avengers being the big boy on the block is drawing the same type of jealous backlash on different fronts. These boards illustrate it very well. When you're the best and deliver quality, envy and bitter behavior keeps calling. That's life at the top.
Bottom line is...
"Did that movie just change your life? It changed my life. We all saw AoU and it was great."
Type in just about any search review and true reaction has been and always will be that AoU is a well received great film.