MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Discussion > "People create smaller people.. Children...

"People create smaller people.. Children?"

I still don't know even why people just have some bs complaints about this scene.. Like "This was an attempt of a poor joke"... seriously?

Actually it isn't even an effort of making joke. The whole dialogue was "Everyone creates the thing they dread. Men of peace create engines of war. Invaders create Avengers. People create... smaller people? Er... children! I lost the word there. Children. Designed to supplant them. To help them... end."

Ultron chuckled in that scene because he found the concept of "having children" silly and useless. He realised (remember again, he didn't know much deeper about humanity, he had only a vague idea) children are just made for serving the purpose of replacing their parents eventually. Human beings fear death but as death is inevitable and a natural process to humans, they create their own replacement (children) even though knowing someday children are going to take their places. Ultron finds this philosophy of human beings ridiculous

Now though Ultron could make his own army, upgrade himself into another body, but the AI of Ultron never gets "replaced". Even the Ultron bots were linked together through the AI of Ultron.

Calling it a "poor joke" or some other bs is just a sign of being a "casual viewer"


You're being way too generous with people who misunderstand the point of the line. A casual viewer would get it, because it's not that difficult to understand. The people who whine about Ultron being "too jokey" are intentionally missing the point of the character because they don't WANT to get it. They don't want to try understanding what Whedon was doing with this film. They would rather put down Marvel because they're not either not fans of the superhero genre or they're fans of Fox-Men or DC.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


-"Age of Ultron" is garbage
-Why is it?
-Ultron cracked so many lame jokes. He should have been serious

same thing with Civil War.. They try their best to find plot holes (which aren't plot holes at all)


And yet they're okay with The Joker making off-color jokes, because he's DC and immune to criticism.  The sooner the DCEU collapses under the weight of its own stupidity and the Snyder fans are left without any ground to stand on, the better.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


It's because people don't want to think for themselves anymore, they'd rather be spoon fed their plots and understandings of things. They want to be told rather than shown, then have the nerve to whine about their intelligence being insulted. People either want entertainment or high art and refuse to understand that the two CAN be combined.



