I just didn't care for them. They were more trouble than help. Their sad backstory felt more forced than sympathetic. They got away with too much. Causing Stark to create Ultron, Upper cutting Cap in super speed, having Hulk attack that city and getting away with it...
Why the hell should we feel bad for these stupid fools again? Because they had a change of heart at the last minute? Not me.
I need to see them actually suffer before I can feel sorry for them and Quicksilver's death isn't enough.
For the life of me I can't understand why so many people defend them after all they had done to the team.
He wouldn't have created Ultron had Scarlett witch not brain raped him. The second time he gambled he got it right by creating Vision. Stark is no more a villain than Rogers, who actually a lot closer to one than Stark.
Ultron never would've happened had Wanda not induced Tony to take the program after his "vision". He still might"ve taken it, sure, but he might not have convinced Banner to work with him without consulting the team.
I was kind of like "Meh" when the twins were introduced. There needed to be more development of their characters, more depth than what we got. Their whole motivation for opposing Tony Stark/Iron Man was somewhat misplaced. Wouldn't you more likely be angry at the soldiers who fired the rockets that destroyed your home and killed your parents than you would be the weapons manufacture?
Dear Santa, please send me a Tiffany Mynx clone or lovebot this year.
Their anger was misplaced, yes. But think of it this way:they're basically young adults who were mere children when their parents were killed. Most likely they'd known war all their lives and were numbed by it the way we are watching violence on the evening news. We care, sure, but if it hasn't happened to us/ours personally, it's a pale, distant horror. If a loved one is murdered and you can't find the killer...but you know the driver of the getaway car...what would you do? Misplaced anger, and its fallout, happens all the time.
Had the twins merely lost their parents to war, their anger might've found its proper channels. But they spent two days staring at the side of a warhead with Stark painted on the side, knowing its twin is what took their parents from them. Add to the fact that America is blamed in some countries for everything from hurricanes to split ends. So these two children are having to process their grief with the knowledge that Stark, an American, "killed their parents". It doesn't matter that Tony's father sanctioned making weapons to aid the war efforts, and Tony halted all war productions. These kids lived with this rage and pain and HURT for so long, it needed an outlet. And the scientists were only too happy to help in that regard.
I had more to type, but I run my fingers like I run my mouth, and I forgot not only what I wanted to say, but the rest of your post. I'm sorry...I blame it on being a gemini lol
I agree. I didn't at first and was mad as hell at Tony for his "irrational" behavior, but it actually took my own post in this thread for me to get it. Yes, you can argue that Bucky wasn't himself when he killed Tony's parents. But how could that ever matter to someone who lost his parents like that?
Yes, you can argue that Bucky wasn't himself when he killed Tony's parents. But how could that ever matter to someone who lost his parents like that?
It has been 26 years - that's pushing it a little bit for lashing out in anger. Especially when you know the person wasn't responsible for his own actions.
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I need to see them actually suffer before I can feel sorry for them
Luckily, most people aren't so stupid and shallow that they have to see what is talked about in the movie. Most people can understand the trauma the twins went through - not just losing their parents but the days they spent waiting for the bomb to go off and kill them.
For the life of me I can't understand why so many people defend them after all they had done to the team.
They didn't have a simple "change of heart." They realized Ultron's plan was to pretty much wipe out human existence and were morbidly allergic to the idea. They then helped save all those people on that train and in the path of it when it ran past the tracks, and helped get rid of the Ultron bots. Pietro gave his LIFE to the team. Redemption, and forgiveness, always starts with the first step.
For the life of me I can't understand why so many people defend them after all they had done to the team.
For the life of me I can't understand why so many people defend them after all they had done to the team.
I don't get it either. A good example of filmmakers thinking we should like them because they say so (and they say so because they're already popular in the original material).
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No, it is a great example of how we know that they were basically brain-washed into believing Tony Stark and SHIELD were evil. Instead of getting counseling to help them deal with their loss, Hydra took their grief and twisted it.
They blame Stark because it was his bombs which killed their family instead of who used them. It is like blaming Remington for the bullet which killed your spouse, and not the scumbag thug who stole a gun and killed them.
The worst thing they did was mess with Banner's mind, but, again, they had been told a lie.
Once they found out what Ultron's actual goal was, they worked to stop him, including sacrificing themselves.
It isn't difficult to understand why the Avengers accepted them.