I like it

It isn’t as soapy as the first nor as flamboyant. This is a very serious character study of a man suffering from PTSD and how it affects his life.

As far as what happened with Oliver, it doesn’t surprise me at all. We are talking about a man so psychotically envious of his nephew he almost led him to his death. As well as almost doomed his own father. So his resentment and abusiveness to his eldest son is in character.


We liked it as well. This one delved quite a bit into psychology I thought, though it hadn't been officially invented yet.

One thing I thought was odd was the behavior of Ross in episode 7. He suddenly started behaving strangely and there had been no prior signal that he would do that. It seemed out of character.

Another puzzling thing is that that made such a big deal of Glanville, but when Clara was looking for a place to stay, she never considered it. Why?

Also, why, at the end, when some characters are looking at a gravestone, does the name on the stone appear to be misspelled? Was that intentional to protect identities?
