MovieChat Forums > Joe (2014) Discussion > The father was an actual homeless man

The father was an actual homeless man

Gary was a real homeless man that was cast for this. Gotta give him props though he did a damn good job playing the part. Too bad he died shortly after filming


Have to wonder why the filmmakers didn't take care of him? Poor guy didn't even get a shave and shower since they wanted him to play a bum.


I consider the filmmakers having helped him by giving him an acting job with most likely a somewhat decent pay to do the part in the movie.

What I gathered from his bio was that he died of cancer there might not have been much that could have been done if he passed shortly after filming.

Some people, however, are just beyond help or don't want it.


I read he was found submerged in 3 feet of water after a night of heaving drinking. He had been treated days before for alcohol-induced seizures and they aren't sure if he had another seizure or simply passed out fell into the water. He reconnected with his sister after he got the part and she tried to get him help and tried to stay in contact with him. But this is a guy that had dealt with drug and alcohol abuse since he was a teen. He managed to stay sober on days they were filming but would get drunk on his off days. There are just some people that simply can't overcome their demons. He died two months after they wrapped up filming and didn't even get to see the finished movie.


Yup, we read that too.


America, in this extent, disgusts me. We have the highest GDP, yet we have the highest poverty rating in all of the developed countries in the world. And before people ask me what am I doing to help...I volunteer every second of my spare time in homeless shelters.


Interesting... I feel like I have seen his face on screen somewhere before.
