MovieChat Forums > Joe (2014) Discussion > He didn't commit suicide?

He didn't commit suicide?

I see people here saying he commited suicide, but to me that sounds unrealistic because i dont believe his character would do that. You hear him hitting the ground pretty hard when he jumps and you think that he dies but when they show it in the end i think it clearly shows that he was aiming at the river but missed. Being drunk and all.


It was too dark for me to see what was down there, but for me it was unrealistic that he would commit suicide. I am sure he had done enough in his life that would drive a person to kill their self but he obviously had no conscience, so why would he choose that moment. Joe was out of bullets he could have gotten away. Oh well I liked the movie, I almost didn't watch it given that I don't care for movies Cage stars in these days.
One question I have is, how did Joe just tape up his gunshot wounds when "Mr I have been through a windshield" shot him and then have sex and go to work as if it was just a scratch. My account of the situation might be wrong as I was dying my hair while watching this since I didn't expect much from it.


Well, it was a shotgun wound, probably buckshot or birdshot and not a slug, so it would not be as serious as a bullet wound. Shot doesn't penetrate as well as bullets do, so the depiction was not that unrealistic.


how did Joe just tape up his gunshot wounds when "Mr I have been through a windshield" shot him and then have sex and go to work as if it was just a scratch.

If you pay close attention to the scene where he's removing the shards, it wasn't an actual bullet that hit him... looked like shrapnel. He doesn't have a bullet hole just a flesh wound, which means he wasn't hit with a bullet.

From the looks of it, it was too big to be a birdshot but too fragmented to be a buckshot. Could have been some off-color mixture the guy used since he couldn't afford real ammo.


He clearly jumped to kill or hurt himself.

He didn't run off during the gunfight, why didn't ran off and jump into the water?

He provably felt guilty selling his stepdaughter for $15.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.



I'm glad it wasn't as bad as previously thought


He killed himself. Eluding consequences being the way of the coward, the drunkard. Even if he were past shame at selling his young daughter, he would not have lasted long in jail. It plays out differently in the book: a strong close with much left to the imagination.


Serves you right you would come to a forum for a movie you haven't seen and start reading posts about questions in it. Dumbass



Hah, you call me 12 and then say that last line. I can't believe how mad you are that you learned you can find out the ending of a movie in a forum about the movie.


The spoiler only said HE, it didn't say who. You'd have to click to know any more.


All it said was "he"? Is the old man the only male in the movie?



What are you going on about? Thats my point. His post didn't mention a characters name. There are several male characters in the film. It would've been bad had he included the characters name in the subject line, but he didn't. What are you still in a tizzy about?



You're the dumbass, tranquilvoid. The subject line is vague. You didn't have to read the whole thread.


You're all pretty damn stupid


Come on now...I hate spoilers as much as the next, but two things are wrong with your attitude here.

1. He didn't say who committed suicide. There are many characters in the movie.
2. Why the *beep* would you be lurking the boards for movies that you still have yet to see? Do you not get how the Internet works?


I always look at the IMDB page before I watch a movie, and maybe check out a little of the forum... This subject line definitely was negative to my experience... I was waiting the whole time to see Nic Cage kill himself. Just because it wasn't him doesnt make it any better. I think the topic should be redacted.

Adventures in Eating


How do you expect the people who seen the film to find the threads of interest?

Just *beep* hold back until you've seen it..




I can't hold back!
I do think there are ways to put a topic without making it so obvious.

Adventures in Eating


Interesting theory.


IMDB used to be a place where you could read a bit in the forums before watching a movie but unfortunately most people do post spoilers. (Although I do think the OP's question was rather vague.) I learned my lesson the hard way and now only check to see how the movie was rated and read the synopsis. I grew up in the 1970's-80's, reading reviews before I watched a movie but at some point I stopped doing even that because reviewers were sharing too much information-including spoilers about the films.



He committed suicide because he knew he was going to prison for a long time--no alcohol there. He'd just sold his daughter to a filthy pedophile, and besides that, it was about to be known that he beat his family. He stole his kid's truck, threw him out of it when it was moving, and was involved, even if only peripherally, of the murder of the two scumbags. Plus, it was possible that after being put in the system, it would be discovered that he murdered that other homeless guy. The man was a coward who didn't want to go to prison where he'd ultimately die, so he took the cowards way out. He KNEW it was all over for him. That's why he killed himself.


Well when you're upset about spoilers you shouldn't click a thread that says "he didn't commit suicide", that tells you nothing else about who or any other circumstances. All I know is it would hurt like hell if he didn't die from that fall. I wouldn't wanna try it. I'd rather have a quick and painless death, but that's just me. He wasn't really a rational man either.


<<<Well when you're upset about spoilers you shouldn't click a thread that says "he didn't commit suicide"<<<<

Hear, hear!


I slightly disagree, it was said they moved around before because of the fathers behavior, hence the beating in the beginning. Joe was out of bullets, there rest were dead. If he would have taken off with the car he might have started over somewhere else?
Do believe he killed himself though, not so much about prison maybe more about everything sunk in what he had done with the worst being pimping his daughter.

That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullsh*t


I think he did kill himself


If you pick you pick up the blu ray from Redbox and watch the behind the since then they tell you that he committed suicide at the end.


Yep. It was confirmed. The behind the scenes were awesome.


What does $30 get u?? A Mexican In the town I live in was offering undercover cops $12.


Why is he the dumbass? Isn't that you, actually? The title doesn't give anything away other than elude to a major plot point. So, anybody that opens the thread and reads only to get angry about a spoiler is kind of a dumbass. But only if you think about it, which I'm sure you have.

Now back on topic. I don't think he committed suicide either. It's obvious he wasn't trying to run, and he didn't flinch at all from the gunshot, I just think he was either way drunk or didn't give a piss about anything. It seems like he jumped to escape. Who jumps off a low bridge in the dark to commit suicide? Even he would have probably expected a splash landing. Unless he was expecting to drown to death.


You guys are all so silly. Who said I opened the thread in the first place?


I agree. I actually never read anything from the comments sections BEFORE I see the movie. To me, the comment section is about discussing the movie and because of that just about any comment could contain a spoiler.

That would be like going to a book club meeting where folks are discussing a book then complaining that they ruined it for you! Why would you want to read the comments BEFORE seeing the movie? I don't get it!
