I fell asleep at the cinema

Somehow i put up through the first hour of this movie but it was so boring that me and one of my friends fell asleep. Also it was ver y dark and sometimes i didnt know what was go going on, and the plot was a joke. 2/10


I did, too. Saw it on Mother's Day with my mother (her day, her movie pick). Afterwards I watched the latest episode of Game of Thrones at her house and she asked me if it was the same movie we had just seen in the theater.


You may have apnea, it's a serious sleeping disorder. Get an appointment with your doctor ASAP. Best of luck, I pray it isn't apnea.

"If you're going to shoot, shoot. Don't talk" - Tuco R. I. P.


Unfortunately I watched the whole movie. What a lucky guy from you!
