Sex Scene?

I was going to take my daughter to see this film. Her mother took her to the first one. It doesn't interest me. I saw Jess Chastain on Jimmy Fallon say there was a sex scene in a water fall. I obviously wouldn't mind that but I'm not taking an 11 year old to a film with a scene like that. Is it too much for child ?


I remember two intimate scenes.

He near the beginning where you see Helmsworth take his shirt off and lies on top on a nude or topless Chastain. No nudity. Not graphic.

The waterfall scene was similar. Sexy, but non nude.

Your daughter is 11 and she probably knows where babies come from so two one Knute scenes will not harm her mnd. Like I said before, there is nothing graphic.

She may be more upset that it isn't nearly as exciting (or good) as the first one.

Hope this helps.





I'd say as far as sex scenes go, this one is EXTREMELY mild. I wouldn't even call it a sex scene. I'd say "romantic scene" they kiss and she takes off Thor's shirt and then he helps her get her top off too. But it happens super fast and you don't see ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING. They kiss and boom the scene is over. Still if you feel it's too strong for your 11 year old, well it's up to you. Maybe you could watch it first and then decide.


Thanks guys. Doesn't sound too full on. Looks like we are going tonight then. She'll be OK I think. Thanks.


I know this reply is too late, but I dont think the sex scene is ok for a 11 y/o girl. Period. Coz I'm afraid your child might want to try it at school.




There wasn't anything sexual in this movie anyone would try anywhere. And I watched the extended cut.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


If you're worried about sexuality, there's nothing in this movie to be concerned about. If you might worry about violence -- characters being graphically slain -- that may be a separate issue for you.

Rest in peace, Roger Ebert. You were the best.


Psh, violence never disturbed anyone. Expressing sexuality, though??? God help us...


Sex is one of the greatest parts of being in a romantic relationship. It's about two people almost becoming one physically. Hell, the kid is probably going to be learning about sex ed within the next 4 to 5 years. I think it's best to be taught by the parents anyway. Why the hell are we so afraid of it?


You said it, within the next 4 to 5 years. I'm all for sexuality but there's a time for everything.


In terms of violence and sexuality, this movie is quite tame. The main enemies are fantasy creatures - goblins and wicked witches etc. The movie isn't particularly graphic. A few deaths are implied but nothing too violent. No real gore or anything like that. You see two implied sex scenes - one of the two kissing in a hot spring and the other is of them in the woods. Passionate kissing is all it comes down to.


I was sheltered... you should see how I turned out :).


Nothing bad I hope ;)


My mom let me see Basic Instinct and T2 when I was 9 years old. If you know anything about BI, you know that T2 is really tame. I saw a bunch of Rated-R movies growing up. A kid hasn't lived until he's seen a man get his raping penis blown off by a badass cyborg.


Sounds lovely.



Holy crap Luke, you saw those at the movies as a kid?

Well i've seen R-rated films since i was 4 thanks to seeing Robocop in theaters thanks to my dad even saw Die Hard, Elm Street 4, Basic Instinct, Die Hard 2, Total Recall and more in theaters as a kid and young teen.

Even watched adult animation like Heavy Metal, Wizards, Watership Down and Akira on video as a kid and if you had kids, would you let them watch those movies even Akira?

"Jury Duty is my fave movie"


When I was 9 I was watching Pete's Dragon and Mary Poppins. Hardcore, I know.


She is 11, That is the time girls start hitting puberty. It IS the time. Stop traumatizing kids by making them ignorant.

The spirit of abysmal despair


Ask yo' mama.


Are you trying to say that every movie should be pornographic?


Sexuality/nudity is very brief. One kissing scene in a frozen pool between the two main characters who are shirtless.
Later on, the two characters kissing, removing their tops. Hemsworth is shirtless and you can briefly see a little of Chastain's breast.


You barely see the side, no more than you would see if she had been wearing a normal bikini swimsuit top.


No, there was a kissing scene in a waterfall.

Later on there is the beginnings of what would be a sex scene, but they don't show anything and then they cut away to the next scene.

Both were very mild, nothing more than what you would see on broadcast TV any day of the week.


Even if there had been it is only very damaging to your kids to shelter them from real life


Violence, kill and hate is ok for a 11year girl but some sex scene, War is ok, sex is bad? Stop the planet, I want to come down...


Gee, calm down, the man asked a fair question. Raunchy scenes can be uncomfortable and uncalled for in a movie directed to kids/preteens. It's completely normal to ask if this was the case for such a scene. No need to overreact


And its funny that a shirtless Hemsworth is perfectly fine, but a shirtless Chastin would be "nudity", and we must prevent that, good gracious!


bcoz chastain got chest.

