Is this a mockumentary?

I noticed in the past two years the director has made two other films. The first exposed the fact that Paul McCartney of the Beatles actually died in the 1960s and had been replaced by an impostor. The second film broke the news that Elvis was still alive.

Is Dreams from My Real Father the third in a trilogy of mockumentaries? Is Gilbert really yanking the chains of wingnuts? Or does he believe really Paul is dead, Elvis is alive, and Obama is a communist?


The McCartney and Presley films are clearly mockumentaries. But this film isn't. It is THE REAL DEAL.


It might be a hoax and it might not. But where is the proof it is not a hoax? I call on the director to present proof that it is not a hoax if he has nothing to hide. Where is the documentation it is not a hoax?


Well, on the Highway 61 Entertainment site, you'll notice the McCartney and Presley films are listed under spoof/mockumentaries. But the Obama one, however, isn't.


And if it's on the internets, it MUST be true.



I just love how the nut jobs on both ends of the political spectrum insist any questions asked about their conspiracy theories are an "attack".


> the worst president ever and possibly worst world leader alive today

Obvious troll is obvious.


No, seriously. Lots of American right-wingers genuinely believe it to be the case. AND that he's a Marxist Nazi Muslim Kenyan (as though that isn't packed full of contradictions right there).



you are embarrassing. honestly.


Yes. Production companies are known for their strict adherence to honest and factual descriptions of their products.


Wait... you mean Paul McCartney ISN'T dead? Damn, and I thought that impostor did a right good job of writing some nice songs.

Love's turned to lust and blood's turned to dust in my heart.


I live in Colorado, and when I received this mistook it for the actual documentary that was shown in theaters lately. Obviously, after 2 minutes, I couldn't believe what I was watching. The budget must not have been more than $5,000. It can be nothing but a ploy to prey on the oldest segment of the voting population. They way they present their "ideas" (in sentences of no more than 5 words) play on the stereotypes of the generation they're targeting.

If this had done a slightly better job it might qualify as a mockumentary, but it's so bad it can't even hold that title, because with a mockumentary you're forced to suspend your disbelief just a little bit for it have any comedic value.

It's an embarrassing mess so bad that I'm surprised the little group that funded this wasn't paid to NOT mail it to voters. Crazy world we live in.
