so what is the real truth ?
the real truth is does not really matter. the real truth is we all got stuck with a very bad president who obviously had his own hidden agenda.
speaking of truth, all you Obama voters must have noticed that over the last 6+years you have heard very little of the truth come from your "Dear Leader".
(you know the most transparent administration in out history). I don't care who you voted for or what your party affiliation is ,you can not deny that this president has caused more harm than good and was one of the biggest mistakes the democrats have given us. BTW the democrat party is no longer the party that most of you believe it to be, and by a very wide margin seems to be loaded with the most corrupt and immoral characters that ever existed in American politics. between the perverts and out and out criminals like the Clinton's.
I hope by now that all of you ardent supporters of this Fraud have learned your lesson and realize just how gullible you are and how easily evil people in politics can push these frauds right into the presidency. Lets hope it is not too late and that you have learned from your previous mistake.