Hump's didn't deserve that

Yeah the guy was kind of a nutjob and an asshole, and even i hated him, but i just feel he didn't deserve what happened to him. And when Kukudio revealed she blew air bubbles in Humps I.V, i got the impression it was supposed to be funny and we was supposed to cheer or laugh and i just didn't.

She pretty much turned Humps into a drooling vegetable for the rest of his life, well until he died soon after. The guy never murdered anyone, he deserved an ass whooping and some time in a psyche ward but he didn't deserve to get a stroke and die as a vegetable and threw around like trash.


I found it hilarious




I think he did. I cant remember his full catalogue of crimes but as well as making Susanne and kukido fight , there was the forcing the pretty one to eat a dead mouse. Thats some sick shit. there were other instances where it just showed he treated the prisoners as not human, and it came back to bite him.
