What's with all the southern accents?
Isn't this set in New York, in a minimum security prison?
Taystee clearly has a southern accent. She speaks just like a lot of people in my city.
Cindy--although less pronounced, it's clearly a southern accent.
Doggit-clearly southern
The black girl who is supposed to be hood and angry all the time (horrible acting with the excessive neck rolling, etc)--she's tall and skinny, was a track star.
I understand the Paula Deen/Martha Stewart character having the southern accent. She's a celebrity.
Sophia even has a slight southern twang going on.
I remember Taystee's background story and she clearly grew up in NY, so what's up with that?
I know people move all the time to different cities. So spare me the condescending comments. So it just seems there would be more to their background. I wish they had done a little more background on the characters who have been on the show since season 1.