MovieChat Forums > Orange Is the New Black (2013) Discussion > Season 5 Death Predictions (SPOILERS)

Season 5 Death Predictions (SPOILERS)

A character has died every season (except 3, I think).

S1 killed off Tricia Miller
S2 killed off Miss Rosa and Vee
S4 killed off Poussey

Obviously SOMEONE is going to die in Season 5 due to the fact that a riot is happening. Most likely a major character. I can see Judy King accidentally getting shot in the riot if someone like Mendoza tries smacking the gun out of her hand.
Plus, I think something will happen to Daya, whether it be death or getting sent to Max.


I agree about Judy King. There seemed to be a lot of emphasis on her being there at that moment for what seems like little reason.

I don't think Daya will be the one to shoot. Lots of people are saying it'll be Gloria, which makes a lot of sense and I could see happening. However, my official prediction is that it will be Maritza. The scene where Humphrey forces her to eat the mouse or the flies seems to have no purpose besides to further establish Humphrey's insanity, however, I think it was setup for Maritza to take the gun from Daya.

The increased guard brutality also leads me to believe there will be more character deaths. I think, along with Judy King, there will be 2 or 3 other inmate deaths early in the season, and it'll lead to media coverage of the prison for the big plotline for the season.


I could also see Gloria trying to stop her and either being shot herself or killing someone


Caputo's girlfriend from MCC is in the restroom and we know she carries a gun, I think she will show up in the hall and there will be a stand off and Judy will get shot, and it will get pinned on Daya, but will actually be from the MCC woman (sorry I forgot her name).


That sounds like a pretty decent idea for a storyline.


I like that! Send that to the writers!!

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That's a pretty decent idea for a story! I can really see that happening, plus they must've shown her in the bathroom for a reason. I can see that or something similar happening. So, Daya will get an extended sentence for the shooting, and then gradually through the season Caputo will somehow find out that it was actually his girlfriend, and she'll end up in prison. I mean, she did seem pretty blase about having never actually been to the prison.


I think Soso will once again feel extremely isolated, slip back into a depression, and kill herself.


I honestly can't believe there are more deaths more often on this show. Although everyone I've pitched this to so far disagrees.
