Project Looking Glass?

Anyone want to take a guess as to what Fitz and Madame Hydra's top priority in the Framework, 'Project Looking Glass' actually is?
A way back to the 'real world' is what I first thought but it makes no sense for Aida/Madame Hydra to be chasing that.
As a looking glass reflects you but is actually the opposite, it has to be something along those lines?
Anyone have any ideas?


Sorry, had missed the post - now we know. That was a really good guess though πŸ‘πŸ»


I can't believe I didn't think it was a way to make herself flesh and bone? It seem so obvious now.


I wonder if she will succeed and make herself into a "real" human.


I know that there are a lot of horrible humans out there - but it would be interesting to see her becoming a real human and being overwelmed with feelings like empathy and guilt, regret, love etc...

Or she succeeds and then gets killed and utters words of fear of death right before passing...


Great idea about her being overwhelmed by feelings and emotions etc.
That would be interesting to see but to be honest I think watching Fitz and May deal with the burden of what they have done in the Framework will be enough of an emotional roller coaster for viewers.
I hope the whole concept of there being a way for someone from the Framework being made 'flesh and bone' means we get back the 'Good' version of Ward.


Could have fooled me - you wrote: "reflecs you but is the opposite " - so that fits pretty well. Looks like her but will be the opposite, flesh and bone instead of machine... good thinking πŸ˜‰
