Is this show anti white men? (Hear me out)
Before you guys flame me, or ignore me, or otherwise write me off as some troll, I like this show. I gave it an 8/10, I thought it got good as it went (though took longer than Daredevil to pick up), Kilgrave was awesome, and I even liked Kristen Ritter as Jessica.
However, I was talking with a friend, and he brought up how practically every major white male character in the show were portrayed rather......unappealingly to put it simply.
We have Kilgrave, the main villain (and who stole the show everytime he was on), who controls people to do horrible things, and raped many of his female mind-slaves (since they weren't in their right mind to consent), among other things.
We have the soldier guy, who even though showed some redeeming qualities after feeling guilty for hurting Jessica's sister (and they even had make-up sex), he was shown to hide volatile tendencies, and had access to imperfect Captain America-like drugs, which made him even more aggressive. He ended up as an antagonist toward the end of the first season.
Then we have the siblings who lived above Jessica; the loud obnoxious sister, and her....I can only say mentally challenged brother. While he didn't do anything to make me personally dislike his character (I didn't mind him, and at times I almost felt sorry for him), he clearly was unable to take care of himself without his sister, and came off as a man-child.
The only major male character that stayed consistently good (longer than most other male characters at least) was Luke Cage, a black guy. Now, to be clear, I like Luke Cage. Do I think he's a strong enough character to carry his own show? No, but even Marvel's weakest movies/shows ended up being entertaining, so I'll give it a watch. But it seems that Luke Cage was given better treatment than other major male characters, many if not all of which were white. Even Jessica's black junkie neighbor who followed her around was revealed to be a better character than he appeared, from what I remember.
Now that I think about it, though, what my friend forgot to mention was how the white women weren't exactly portrayed flawlessly either, or entirely as victims. There's Jessica I suppose, who's an antiheroin and is not above using others for her own ends. There's Carrie Anne Moss's character, who cheated on her wife with her (younger and much hotter) secretary, and Jessica's adoptive mother, who used Jessica's adoptive sister as a means to bask in the spotlight. And even Jessica's sister ended up having stockholm syndrome-like feelings for the soldier guy. And then there's the crazy annoying sister with her man-child brother. Now SHE got on my nerves, and I wouldn't mind if Kilgrave got her killed in someway.
It seems the white characters in Jessica Jones didn't have as much likable or redeemable qualities than in Daredevil, or Agents of SHIELD, or Agent Carter (though Agent Carter didn't treat white men so nicely either now that I remember it).
This wouldn't be the first time Marvel has gotten uber-PC with its material, it's just that they've managed to keep it mostly to their comics. Now, with this analysis, and the casting of Spider-Man: Homecoming, and casting in older movies like Thor, it seems even their movies and shows are starting to be tainted by this trend. But that's just what I think.
Thoughts? Anti white men? Anti white people? Just a coincidence in their choice and use of the characters?
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