I was really into this show until...
It turned out the villain could be defeated with duct tape.
You'd feel cocky too if you were full of myself.
It turned out the villain could be defeated with duct tape.
You'd feel cocky too if you were full of myself.
"defeated"? LOL
Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)
Quiet kid, the adults are talking.
You'd feel cocky too if you were full of myself.
Er, okay "Lord Bigglesworth".
Was just pointing out that Kilgrave is not actually "defeated" if he can't talk. He's just somewhat restricted.
But carry on.
Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)
Does he have some other way of controlling people without talking or using his hands?
You'd feel cocky too if you were full of myself.
Does he have some other way of controlling people without talking or using his hands?
It's has never been established even in the comics if ha can control by any method other than comprehended verbal commands.
What if he mumbled? What if the person didn't understand English? What if his verbal command was too vague? Showing that it was the verbal command and not his thought that determined what the command was opens up a whole slew of variables that distracts from the character and the show.
Did you watch the show? He hired body guards, he uses other people, he threatens that he has people ready to jump out of windows if he's not set free, he bargains with desperate people etc. etc.
He's not "defeated" if he's bound and gagged. That's a terribly uninspired simplification. Nearly every villain is defeated when bound and gagged (though yes, some require something much more substantial than duct tape to bind them).
And FWIW, Jessica did warn Trish to not even look at Kilgrave. So it seems Jessica (who knows him better than anyone else) is at least concerned that he can control someone without a verbal command.
For me, the notion that it has to be his voice is a bit far-fetched. We know his voice alone can't do anything, the victim needs to be infected. So why would his actual voice come into play if they're infected? There are hints that he's controlling Luke via text messages while Luke was infected as well.
Many people take the line about "he can't control people over the radio" to mean that it has to be his voice in person but that line is more about the virus or pheromone he emits than anything else.
Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)
For me, the notion that it has to be his voice is a bit far-fetched. We know his voice alone can't do anything, the victim needs to be infected. So why would his actual voice come into play if they're infected? There are hints that he's controlling Luke via text messages while Luke was infected as well. Many people take the line about "he can't control people over the radio" to mean that it has to be his voice in person but that line is more about the virus or pheromone he emits than anything else.
That's possible but I think it's more simple than that.
I think the pheromone or virus or whatever (I've read some great analyses about how it really can't be either at least in the way we understand them) basically compels the person to do what Kilgrave wants. Specific to him and him alone. So yeah if someone imitated his voice and the person believed that it was him, they would comply. But if they knew it was someone imitating him I don't think it would work. Similarly if someone said to an infected person "Kilgrave says to bring him a coffee" they might feel compelled to do so (again if they deep-down believe Kilgrave wanted a coffee - i.e. they believe the person was being genuine).
The main reason I think this is that the commands are not always followed immediately or they can last as long as the person is infected. The guy who wet his pants hours after Kilgrave told him to "go stand over there". Hope killing her parents despite Jessica rescuing her and having been told to do that hours earlier. These people were still infected but the command was given a long time earlier. The cook and maid pleading to be allowed to blink but unable to without permission seems to show that people can at least try to resist.
Simple commands seem to be followed more easily. Difficult ones sometimes meet with futile resistance. Jessica was barely able to convince Trish she was free of the "put a bullet in your head" command mainly because it was Jessica who Trish trusts above anyone telling her AND the fact that deep down she really did not want to die.
Jessica's own immunity could very well support this as well. She is special of course, but after killing Reva it could have been mostly that she really did not want to be Kilgrave's puppet any more. Combine that with her healing ability and time spent potentially building up an resistance to his viro-mone and she was able to shake free. Barely - to the point that she didn't even realize she was free.
All speculation of course and the show intentionally leaves lots of room for that - even for the characters.
Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)
Well most villains can be defeated without using Super Powers, if you plan ahead. That is why Batman can defeat so many people.
Sure, duct tape can prevent him from using his powers, but they have to be able to get close enough to him to use it before he uses his powers on you or someone else.
He can also set it up so if he is captured and bound others would kill or harm themselves until he is set free.
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