MovieChat Forums > Jessica Jones (2015) Discussion > Jessica Jones has been the best so far.....

Jessica Jones has been the best so far...

I know those who only want action will disagree but hear me out still...

Jessica Jones herself is a more layered Character than Matt or Luke. Former hero, dark abusive past (Kilgrave), dark childhood, Trauma sufferer. There is just more to her than the other heroes.

Kilgrave has been the best villain in the MCU to date so far. No-one has come close to his gruesomeness or sinister persona. Better than the man-child outburst Kingpin, The unreasonable reasoned Diamondback or the tragic Cotton Mouth and any other side villain.

Character driven story which is great to get you attached to the story quicker. For me it took two attempts to get into Daredevil season 1 as the first time it just didn't do anything for me and I stopped midway through Episode 1 (shocking right?). Jessica Jones I was hooked on and binge watched the season in one night. This was the first Netflix series for me. It was an interesting story which kept be hooked but also in doing so helped me adjust to the low budget of the Netflix series so I could eventually go back to Daredevil and actually complete season 1.

Fight scenes did lack good choreography or visual impact. But I even found the same of Daredevil season 1 ("WTF dude are you crazy!?" lol). Too many flips and unnecessary movements in DD's choreography. Season 2 was choreographed much better until Elektra and the Hand came into it. Somehow ninja's equate to stupid flips and useless movements somehow. Luke Cage also suffered an uninteresting final fight with Diamondback. I think fight scenes really need to be improved on all series. And for those who are unsure what a good fight scene is just compare...

This (minus the deaths) or this



And understand that This

Is much better Choreography than season 1, so there is hope for better fight scenes in the future. I just think they need to work out how to portray powers better in fights, especially super strength (JJ/LC/IF).

Power showcasing is another aspect which let me down with DD mainly when compared to JJ and LC. Visually we can see super strength, Super jumps (partial flight), healing factors or unbreakable skin. But DD had no real covering of how his hearing works or how he sees the world as such. So in this aspect I would put both JJ and LC above DD in this category.

Well those are my thoughts, feel free to respond.


I agree with you that Kilgrave was the best villain so far in any of the shows, although that's just a matter of preference really.

My issues with JJ have nothing to do with a lack of action. There was plenty of that in the show. I felt the characters were poorly developed with the exception of JJ herself and possibly her attorney.

The show was extremely repetitive though. Search for Kilgrave, find him, capture him, then he escapes... over and over until she finally just breaks his neck.

The cop/former soldier dude was almost a completely filler character. He added nothing to the show, and I feel like he was just there so JJ would have someone semi powerful to fight. Meaningless fight scene with him and he basically just went crazy because he wanted to murder Kilgrave and took some super villain pills to enhance his adrenaline and strength. But JJ ended up killing Kilgrave anyway, so who cares?

You seem to care a lot about the choreography of the fights but to me this isn't that big of a deal, I'm much more interested in the storytelling and character driven aspects of the shows.

I will say I prefer every single fight scene in DD to almost anything we saw in LC or JJ, especially in season 2. And The Punisher's fight scenes were brutal, awesome, and far more entertaining than any violent scenes in any of the other shows. That's just my opinion but either way I don't think the fight scenes make or break anything as you seem to imply. And I definitely don't think JJ was the best Marvel show out yet. I'd rate it DD, LC, and JJ for a distant 3rd place so far.

However I do respect your opinion, I just happen to have a differing view.


I have to disagree with your opinions of Daredevil's fight scenes. Some of the best I've ever seen. I mean it's a comic book show and he's fighting ninjas. Expect some flipping. You say you want more realistic and brutal. The Punisher's fighting style should have been a revelation.

There's always free cheddar in the mousetrap


You did see the videos I linked and what I said about them right?

And also this:

Season 2 was choreographed much better until Elektra and the Hand came into it.


I think Daredevil season 1 stands out as my favourite, but Jessica Jones isn't far behind and definitely second best. JJ is better than DDS2, even with the Punisher IMO.

I think I like Kilgrave a tad better than Wilson Fisk but I'd probably change my mind. They're both great villains, in my opinion they're the best I've ever seen in any comic book adaptation.

Also, while Daredevil offers the standard superhero themes and morals like good/evil, right/wrong, etc. (though it does it to near-perfection), I have to commend Jessica Jones for its darker themes of rape and abuse. Not only that but those themes don't feel out of place at all even in a superhero show.

The fight scenes didn't bother me because I wasn't really expecting much from Jessica.


Personally, I like to break it down into seasons. So far, this is how I rank all MCU shows (not just the Netflix series):
1. Daredevil Season 1
2. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2
3. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3
4. Daredevil Season 2
5. Luke Cage Season 1
6. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1
7. Jessica Jones Season 1
8. Agent Carter Season 1
9. Agent Carter Season 2
It's too early to comment on AoS Season 4.

These are all subjective arguments of course, and I'm curious to see if my or anyone else's opinions change once the other shows like Iron Fist are released.

Jessica Jones herself is a more layered Character than Matt or Luke. Former hero, dark abusive past (Kilgrave), dark childhood, Trauma sufferer. There is just more to her than the other heroes.

You can make that exact same argument for Matt Murdock except Kilgrave's influence obviously although Matt's dark past was over the course of his life from his father's death to Stick's training and eventual neglect and abandonment as opposed to JJ's family's death, abusive step-mother (although more abusive to Trish than anything,) and Kilgrave.
Luke Cage has a dark past too although not to the extent of either Jessica or Matt.

Kilgrave has been the best villain in the MCU to date so far. No-one has come close to his gruesomeness or sinister persona. Better than the man-child outburst Kingpin, The unreasonable reasoned Diamondback or the tragic Cotton Mouth and any other side villain.

As far as the Netflix villains go, Wilson Fisk/Kingpin is the best with Kilgrave close-second and Cottonmouth a distant third. Gruesome and sinister? Why? Because he's essentially a rapist? That doesn't automatically make him a good villain; it just makes him a sick *beep* He's much more of a whiney man-child than Wilson Fisk has ever been. In fact, if Kilgrave didn't have mind-control abilities he wouldn't be a threat to anyone at all.
However, if we're talking about the entire MCU then I'd say Wilson Fisk/Kingpin, Grant Ward/Hive, and Loki are all tied for my favorite villain. I want to include Thanos too, but he hasn't technically been a primary antagonist yet.

Character driven story which is great to get you attached to the story quicker. For me it took two attempts to get into Daredevil season 1 as the first time it just didn't do anything for me and I stopped midway through Episode 1 (shocking right?). Jessica Jones I was hooked on and binge watched the season in one night. This was the first Netflix series for me. It was an interesting story which kept be hooked but also in doing so helped me adjust to the low budget of the Netflix series so I could eventually go back to Daredevil and actually complete season 1.

Tell me, were you just as hooked in Jessica Jones throughout all the pointless time-filling sex scenes that go on for minutes throughout several episodes? Or what about the long periods of time where the plot stops dead in its tracks? I'll admit, Luke Cage drags in some places too, but not NEARLY to the extent of JJ. With Daredevil, whenever it wasn't forwarding the plot then it was always developing the characters and showing chemistry between their friendships and rivalries. Contrast with JJ's moments of doing pretty much nothing for several minutes occasionally. Oh look, there's a lesbian sex scene which is apparently necessary although we are shown several times that she is a lesbian and she has a new lover while her ex is trying to bring her down.

Fight scenes did lack good choreography or visual impact. But I even found the same of Daredevil season 1 ("WTF dude are you crazy!?" lol). Too many flips and unnecessary movements in DD's choreography. Season 2 was choreographed much better until Elektra and the Hand came into it. Somehow ninja's equate to stupid flips and useless movements somehow. Luke Cage also suffered an uninteresting final fight with Diamondback. I think fight scenes really need to be improved on all series. And for those who are unsure what a good fight scene is just compare...

That's pretty much just being accurate to how the fights play out in the comics for better or worse. I don't disagree with the Luke Cage - Diamondback fight though... but at least there was a final fight to begin with.

Power showcasing is another aspect which let me down with DD mainly when compared to JJ and LC. Visually we can see super strength, Super jumps (partial flight), healing factors or unbreakable skin. But DD had no real covering of how his hearing works or how he sees the world as such. So in this aspect I would put both JJ and LC above DD in this category.

Honestly, I agree with you here too although in DD's defense it's very easy to showcase both JJ and LC's abilities. Other than the way the Ben Affleck DD movie did it, there's really no way to visually showcase how DD senses things except for the viewer to actually listen and pay attention to how DD reacts.
