Jessica Jones has been the best so far...
I know those who only want action will disagree but hear me out still...
Jessica Jones herself is a more layered Character than Matt or Luke. Former hero, dark abusive past (Kilgrave), dark childhood, Trauma sufferer. There is just more to her than the other heroes.
Kilgrave has been the best villain in the MCU to date so far. No-one has come close to his gruesomeness or sinister persona. Better than the man-child outburst Kingpin, The unreasonable reasoned Diamondback or the tragic Cotton Mouth and any other side villain.
Character driven story which is great to get you attached to the story quicker. For me it took two attempts to get into Daredevil season 1 as the first time it just didn't do anything for me and I stopped midway through Episode 1 (shocking right?). Jessica Jones I was hooked on and binge watched the season in one night. This was the first Netflix series for me. It was an interesting story which kept be hooked but also in doing so helped me adjust to the low budget of the Netflix series so I could eventually go back to Daredevil and actually complete season 1.
Fight scenes did lack good choreography or visual impact. But I even found the same of Daredevil season 1 ("WTF dude are you crazy!?" lol). Too many flips and unnecessary movements in DD's choreography. Season 2 was choreographed much better until Elektra and the Hand came into it. Somehow ninja's equate to stupid flips and useless movements somehow. Luke Cage also suffered an uninteresting final fight with Diamondback. I think fight scenes really need to be improved on all series. And for those who are unsure what a good fight scene is just compare...
This (minus the deaths) or this
And understand that This
Is much better Choreography than season 1, so there is hope for better fight scenes in the future. I just think they need to work out how to portray powers better in fights, especially super strength (JJ/LC/IF).
Power showcasing is another aspect which let me down with DD mainly when compared to JJ and LC. Visually we can see super strength, Super jumps (partial flight), healing factors or unbreakable skin. But DD had no real covering of how his hearing works or how he sees the world as such. So in this aspect I would put both JJ and LC above DD in this category.
Well those are my thoughts, feel free to respond.