Watching Season 1
Just now watching it.
Episode 1:
Bad guy with mind control superpower? That's evil.
On the other hand superpower 'being very strong' seems even kinda lame, well :)
Episode 2:
Why didn't she tell the police *everything* about Killgrave?
Sure they would think she is cracy. But it doesn't make a difference to the police, i mean it's not like they can charge her for telling an unbelievable story. Sure it's a bit uncomfortable the police not believing it. But it sets the police up to be more prone to find and suspect Killgrave if they find out more suspicious information.
This guy Killgrave seems to be only be able to be stopped if a lot of people know about him and his powers. And with telling all she makes the story of the girl Hope believable. Them two saying the same story to the police gives them both more credibility. Jessica Jones telling another story makes Hope's story of course non-credible at all to the police.
Of course i guess she has no confidence in the police and wants no trouble and get prove first.
Kidneys, jumping.. most evil bad guy ever