Maybe it changes as the series progresses but early up to episode four she sort of bashes yoga (in the sense that she may do it but only to warm up for exercise) and she is also revealed to be a Pilates fan but we don't know for what measure.
Her friend though is not really that smart and Jessica just getting by and making stuff up on her natural genes (or if it was reasonable it would be unreasonably excessive) but her friend is kind of running scared with this exercise/fitness/martial arts stuff in a way it couldn't protect her.
I saw the Topher Grace/Gere movie 'The Double' and they were playing real KGB agents. Gere was messed up and I don't know what he was but Grace took a pronounced stance to reveal that he was a meditational boxer, so he meditated about three minutes a day and then tried to be a star and had the instincts to deal with randomness.
(I know what I'm saying about Grace's performance in 'The Double' may seem far fetched but given that he used to be a sitcom character for a 100 episodes, I think that the way he bears weight in 'The Double' is a little slightly pronounced in a way that sounds crazy but to the right guy since the movie is an hour and forty five minutes and we're weighing it against 200 episode sitcom time, really anyone that could notice and had an eye for these things probably would, but when I say it it would sound crazy unless you thought of the entire economics of it. But since I could notice a difference and it is a weighted difference vs Foreman too on top of it, I think the statement is that the KGB would do it like the rest of the world and they probably know some cool flexes but the real dudes are born that way and then do some meditational exercise most likely a standing still meditation and try to train creativity to get there, not this patterned thinking.)
That woman is training the randomness out. It will make her easier to victimize training a pattern in a situation where anything could happen. She would be better off meditating.
But what is not harmful for Jessica the other chick is running scared and Jessica is helping her not look back.
But if The Double is accurate a real KGB agent would be normal, have some meditation, probably but not necessarily a standing meditation and try to get artistic for charisma and to levy your assets in the way you want, not perform these drills.
She's looking at it the wrong way (up to halfway through ep 5, don't see a change) and what Jessica is doing will mislead her further.
Is this something too personal for me to notice or will it bear weight in the plot? I don't know but I'll have to watch on.
What is harmless for Jessica is helping her friend Trish Walker played by Rachel Taylor walk away from the real situation. If she gets trapped she'll get locked with her thinking so what she's doing rather than protect herself is trying to lock herself into other behavior patterns as a coping mechanism.
It could get dangerous if she thinks of these coping mechanisms and ticks she's training as a shield of protection.
I'm not saying she would become Foreman if she got into some form of standing meditation based practice or even conventional boxing meditation but with that stuff maybe someone like that at least would have better avoidance instincts.
Trish so far and I think it is in the show but not felt as strongly as I present it (but either way the issue is the same barring the intensity of it) is replacing abuse ticks with exercise ticks and she might be too afraid to meditate anyway, but that thinking may get her into trouble... And Jessica I think instead of going on an ego trip over her superiority should start thinking about the effect of these practices on her best friend's mental welfare.
This is exactly why Jessica Jones Reeves status was in question and maybe even Reeves because of ridiculous editing was not even up to par (but not because of his acting skills, more because some guys want him to be another Keanu that's not Constantine and now it's a mess to hire a guy he can play because of the problems of such mega stardom character hero worship even when it is inappropriate...)
But anyway back to Jessica she's too enamored with her physical superiority that it could be harmful to other but not so much that she couldn't be an eternal Keanu, something really amazing at eternal rest when you think of the world/universe/multi-verse, etc. effect... but that's why she could be petty and then she wouldn't be terrible but now she's not Keanu.
Same thing with her sitcom Don't Trust the B. She seems bad but then had stories where she could have done something great but the rest of it begs the question whether or not that greatness is actually a petty everlasting effect, or maybe her pettiness was petty and her real effect really could be great... because of in that one the trivial comments give her potential for a great world effect not necessarily though...