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A theory regarding Trouper Navarro (and her sister)

Anyone else think the Navarro character might be out for the revenge of Annie K's murder???

Could she be the one who placed Annie's tongue there at the research station?

Is it possible she found Annie's tongue when she investigated the crime scene, kept it, and then placed it there as a way to freak out the scientist (because she suspects they might be responsible for Annie's death)?

After pulling a gun on her, Jodie's character also told her to "Let the poor girl go," after Navarro shows up at the research station. So we also know how obsessed she is with the case.

And we also know something SUPERNATURAL must have happened back when she was on TOUR ... and the other guy with half of his HEAD BLOWN OFF told her something (that was probably about God ... since she was also discussing with Annie's brother whether or not she believed in God at the time).

Perhaps Navarro also suspects the other guy that she had sex with played a part in the death of Annie? And maybe that's the reason why she took his SPONGE BOB toothbrush, so that she can have it tested for his DNA and see if it matches up with any of the evidence that they have from Annie's crime scene???

If Navarro also suspected Travis of killing Annie and caused his death, maybe that's also the reason why his ghost shows Rose how to find the bodies of the other men???

Because maybe Travis hopes to be able to stop Navarro's NIGHT TOUR of Vengeance in ENNIS???



Maybe so???


It's a possibility that she's out for revenge. Her attitude does suggest it, but I sorta don't think so.

I can't see why she would put Annies tongue in that facility. For what purpose.

I don't think this show has gone SUPERNATURAL. At least, I sure hope not. I would not be in character with the other 3 seasons. I think sun-deprivation is taxing on their nerves and these people probably think they see things.

If she was gonna use it for DNA, why use it herself. Wouldn't that taint it? You see all the hair that guy has? It'd be easier to get a strand of it.


The way Navarro describes finding Annie's body to Jodie's character ... saying that Annie's teeth were kicked out ... and how her ribs were also broken after she was already dead ... which she also says was a result of extreme hatred ... reveals how upset she was about what she finds.

And the way she behaves at the research station when she dares Danvers to arrest her for trespassing was also odd. But we also don't know the backstory yet regarding why these 2 characters had a falling out of some kind in the past.

Anyhow, who else would have had access to Annie's tongue? Since Navarro's the first law officer to see the body, she may have found it. And then maybe she holds on to it the same way as she refused to let go or close the case???

Your "sun-deprivation" theory is an excellent possibility. They call it SAD which stands for SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER.

But apparently TRAVIS (the ghost Rose sees that points the way to the bodies of the scientists) is also supposed to be the father of the other character from back in S1 who said that "TIME is a FLAT CIRCLE."

Perhaps the water that's gone bad (according to Annie's brother) is also the reason why people are seeing things? Rose was also doing the dishes at the time when she sees Travis standing outside the window.

The remarks you make and other questions that you raise are also very good ones. Maybe Navarro placed the tongue there as a way to CONNECT Annie's death with the deaths of the Scientists?

Since one of them wears Annie's Pink Parka, and we also know she was romantically involved with one of them (due to finding the RV), we also know Navarro was right about there being a connection of some kind.

And we also know one of the scientists is still alive. And if you PAUSE the scene in EP. 1, you can also see someone who is wearing the PINK PARKA FLASHING BY QUICKLY when the delivery guy shows up.

So maybe the death of Annie, the lack of sunlight, the poisoned water, PLUS something that the scientist dug up all play a part in what's happening?

And if Annie's lover also knew TRAVIS (the father of the other guy from S1), he may also have filled Annie's boyfriend's head with all kinds of weird ideas (like TIME BEING A FLAT CIRCLE)??? Because that RV where Annie would meet him also has the same CIRCLE SYMBOL that we saw back in S1.

And the same organization or CULT from back in S1 also funds the research station.

And didn't the character from S1 also hallucinate the same way as Navarro's sister does?

Still another possibility is the scientists drank the MOONSHINE that the Bar Owner makes (which Navarro also said can make you go blind)???


"They call it SAD which stands for SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER."

Aha! I knew it had a name, I just couldn't remember. Thanks.
I see your connection/logic regarding the tongue. I guess we'll find out as the season goes.


You're welcome. Since there's only 6 episodes to this season, and this coming Sunday will be episode 3 (meaning we'll be HALF WAY through the story after seeing it), that also leaves us with just 3 more episodes to go before the Season ends.


Well, shit. I didn't know there was only 6 episodes. I guess it is what it is.


Yeah it was disappointing to discover that we only get 6 eppys this season.

And now we also have about 48 more hours left to go until it's SHOWTIME again on HBO and we get to watch Ep. 3.



Do you think it's possible someone deliberately placed a dummy under the bed (like the one that we saw in Clark's RV) to freak out Navarro's sister???

Since we also saw Navarro throw the necklace with a cross that belonged to her mother out the window of her vehicle, maybe someone found it, and then placed it on the dummy body under the bed as a way to get back at Navarro?

And since we also saw Navarro putting booze into the gas tank of the ABUSER at the Crab factory after she arrested him (probably cas she's upset to see that he's already out of jail after she arrested him), couldn't he have also placed a dummy there?

Plus her sister also said in Ep. 1 that people were following her ... which they may have been doing as a way to torment her ... simply because they also knew she had mental health problems?

So maybe this ABUSIVE BULLY and his buddies had also already tortured her sister even before she checks into the hospital?


No, nothing supernatural. But cultic in a different direction from the first season.

She is awake refers to the Inuit goddess of the deep (sea)/Underworld/dead called Sedna. Clarke looks to be into weird cult practices and was getting into the Inuit mythology/worship via Annie.

The tattoos on the women's faces are worshiping the entity Sedna. In the myth, Sedna tries to eat her parents and her father throws her into the ocean. Sedna tries to climb back into the boat but he cuts off her fingers/hands. These parts turn into huge sea creatures.

Sedna is the equivalent of the entity that is on the Starbucks logo. She is depicted the same as well. They are called Sirens or Mixoparthenos.


Thanks for the heads up, explaining who Sedna the Inuit Goddess is, and what happened to her.

In Greek Mythology the Sirens were creatures who tried to seduce ODYSSEUS:

Ancient Literature

Sirens in The Odyssey: Their Song’s Role in Our Hero’s …

WebJan 11, 2022 ·

The sirens were creatures who lured passing sailors and travelers to their deaths with their mesmerizing voices

Never heard the word Mixoparthenos mentioned before.


I never heard of that name before either. The controllers release information now and then for whatever reason.

This season is an inverse of season 1. In that season it was male. And the cult worshipped a sun deity. The scenery was also very sunny.

In this season it is dark and it is female. The cultists (of all ethnicities) worship a night goddess. The tattoos the showed on the stepdaughter can represent menstrual blood. It can be called night water. The water in the town is poisoned.

I think we are going to find out some really messed up things about Annie that no one knew.


Thanks again for the heads up regarding the NIGHT GODDESS.

In Greek Mythology APOLLO is the SUN GOD, or the God of ORDER and Harmony, and DIONYSIS is the MOON GOD, or the GOD of DISORDER and CHAOS.

But one could hardly call the SUN DEITY from S1 a God of Order like Apollo was supposed to be. Both the SUN DEITY and the MOON GODDESS in this story seem to result in bringing CHAOS. But if her "Night Water" has been poisoned, then one can also understand the reason why she'd be upset.

Also wonder why someone ripped off the HAPPY FACE patch that Annie wore on her PINK PARKA??? And what wearing that patch would have represented to Annie???


Well, damn. You got knowledge. I love mythology, but I know absolutely nothing about Inuit mythology. Thanks for the information.


Found this extremely interesting link where someone describes both the theory about SEDNA, and another theory about "THE ORIGIN of LIFE" being a result of MICROBES getting deposited on Earth by something like an ASTEROID.

And it also goes into detail about "last line" of Ralph Emerson's bio (one of the Scientists) which mentions "Permian-Triassic mass extinction":

PLUS it also contains several images of screen captures from the show, and I'm also thinking the one drawn by the child named DARWIN might be an illustration of SEDNA with her fingers cut off???

Here's what one of the images of Ralph Emerson's Bio says about him:

expert in molecular phylogenetics & microbial evolution ... investigates geobiological context for the complex evolutionary histories of genes involved in "HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER" OR HGT, THE EARLY EVOLUTION OF MICROBIAL SYSTEMS & metabolisms, & how these processes have shaped the biogeochemistry & habitability of the planet.

His research accomplishments span many eras of Earth's history including the closely linked with the Permian-Triassic extinction event

And here's what an image from Wikipedia says:


251.9 million yrs ago PTME Late Permian EXT event ... (aka: THE GREAT DYING) forms boundary between Permian & Triassic geologic periods ... Paleozoic & Mesozoic Eras respectively ... Earth's most severe known extinction event ... precise not known ... volcano erruptions ... euxinia ... elevated global temperatures ... acid oceans ... rise in Co2 from 400 ppm to 2,500 ppm ... emissions of methane by novel methaogenic microorganisms nourished by minerals dispersed in the eruptions ... an extraterrestrial impact creating the ARAGUAINHA CRATER ... seismic release of methane ... and destruction of the ozone layer and increase in harmful solar radiation.

And here's what the person who posted the message says regarding the ghost TRAVIS:

The Tsalal scientists are searching for the origin of life by drilling into the permafrost. Rose tells Navarro in episode 2 that the spiral might be older than the ice itself, the spiral symbolizing darkness, Carcosa, evil, etc. At the end of season 1 Rust's last line is: "Once there was only dark. If you ask me the lights winning."

Travis Cohle does what I can only describe as an interpretive dance. Viewed through a Panspermia lens, you could argue he looks up to the sky as the object falls and starts "freaking out" as it makes impact. Then he scoops his hands along the ground and lifts them up, implying whatever landed is making its way up to the surface. Lastly, he makes like something is ripping him open. This could be that whatever landed is spreading...Or it could symbolize what Rose told Navarro:

the world is old and Ennis is where it's ripping apart at the seams

Check out the images in the link and you can also see something in the SKY as Rose watches Travis moving his arms all around.

And the poster in the link also says this about NAVARRO's Sex Buddy:


Qavvik is part of the Yellow King cult. He's too likeable and conveniently always shown in a submissive role relative to Navarro. I think it's an intentional misleading. I think she's sleeping with the enemy. Notice he has four dogs, and then we see this mural in episode 2 - a man with four dogs against a yellow backdrop heading towards a black star:


The MURAL we see is in the classroom where Jodie's character visits one of her former Sex Buddies (the scene where she tells the kids in the class they're dismissed and can go home). It's on the back wall and contains a SLED being pulled by 4 DOGS. And you can also see the BLACK STAR in the sky in front of them.


It's good to find a decent discussion on anything here. Thank you. Miss some of the stuff that was on the old site as there were some fine discussions on various shows and movies.


Found another article that says in the cell phone Video of Annie (where she's inside of an ice cave) there's some kind of a SPIRAL FUNGUS on the ceiling. Tried to pause it at the MAX streaming site, and you can see something is there, but it's too blurry to tell what it is.

True Detective Season 4, Episode 3 Recap: 10 Story Reveals & Killer Clue

1 Annie Phone Reveals Her Final Moments

Annie's phone reveals another clue about the spiral's true meaning
a video on Annie's phone, which was previously found in Raymond's van. In the video, Annie seems to be walking inside an ice cave and claims to have found something. However, before she can reveal what she has discovered, she gets attacked by someone.

Although the True Detective: Night Country episode ends without revealing where Annie was in the video and what she was looking for, the camera briefly pans toward the cave's ceiling, revealing a red spiral-like fossil.

And this other link also reveals still more about SEDNA the SEA GODDESS:

There are multiple versions of the Sedna myth. According to the most common account, as relayed by H. Newell Wardle in The Sedna Cycle: A Study In Myth Evolution, Sedna was a beautiful maiden who refused to marry any of the local hunters. One day, she was wooed by a passing fulmar, who fooled her into marrying him. After being stolen away to the cliffs, Sedna's father came to try and rescue her. When the fulmar discovered her missing, he sent a great storm against the father's boat. In a desperate attempt to save himself, he threw his daughter overboard, cutting off her fingers as she tried to cling on.

This image of a woman bleeding from her fingers seems to mirror the Sedna myth. Although different cultures offer differing accounts of her temperament, a common trope is that she is the mother of all sea creatures who seeks revenge on those who upset the balance between land and sea. Given the context of True Detective: Night Country, it could well be that Sedna's anger is the key to everything.

The repeated motif of "she's awake", heard throughout the series, would, for example, fit in with the conception of Sedna as an avenging deity. The power of Inuit culture and mythology, on full display throughout many season 4 scenes, also suggests that spirits like Sedna could influence the plot.

A further factor is Sedna's traditional role as a defender of the natural world. A major background plot point in True Detective: Night Country is the environmental concerns around the local mine poisoning local water supplies. If there really is a supernatural explanation for season 4's murders, it could be that Sedna is seeking revenge on the townsfolk for neglecting their duty of care to the natural world. This explanation would certainly be a departure, given the grounded solutions in seasons 1-3. Nevertheless, moments like Lund's terrifying warning to Navarro in Night Country episode 3 suggest that the show is indeed operating in supernatural territory.

The photo in this link also contains a familiar looking shape:

Could Annie & the other Scientist have been attacked by a pre-historic OCTOPUS??? Maybe the Sedna story also assumes that it's one of the creatures created as a result of Sedna's fingers being CUT OFF by her father??? Can an OCTOPUS bite out a human tongue?


I think it is simple.

Clarke was already an occultist. We need to find out how involved he was with the Tuttles.

He fell in love with Annie and was amazed at all her Native mythological stories, in particular Sedna.

The scientists did dig up something in the ice that made them all a little insane. But since Clarke already had problems, it affected him the worst.

I really think Clarke did kill Annie while he was in a psychotic hallucination. Maybe he was even in a costume like the killer in the first episode. Hence why she didn't recognize him.

As far as his attack on his colleagues, we don't have a timeline on how long it took to terrorize them that much and then how long it took him to drag them out into the ice.

Clarke had to have help. The hunter may know more.


What's curious is how everything in the RV (that Clark supposedly also paid $10,000 for) was covered with DUST (meaning no one had probably been in it since Annie died).

So WHY would Clark have left it sitting there? And why wouldn't whoever owns that property have had it towed away (for lack of paying the lot rent)?

Is it possible that RV was placed there by someone else wanting to SET UP Clark and blame him for Annie's murder?

Also if he killed her, then why would Clark have left Annie's CELL PHONE there inside of the RV that also contains a video of what happened to her????

For me it seems as if HANK (who had Annie's Evidence Box) or someone else placed that CELL PHONE there inside of the RV the same way as someone placed Annie's TONGUE there at the Station.


Hank could be involved in some way. But he has no obvious reason to go after the whole Tsalal crowd. Unless it was something cultic. He would have to have a lot of help. He couldn't handle a group of men alone.

They never accounted for all the ice cores. Someone should have checked if all the cores were present via a manifest. But that is another question mark. Why should Tuttle steal any ice cores if they owned and funded the station themselves?


Hank thinks he's sending some more money to his mail order bride for her mother's meds. So imagine how much he's already sent this person that he also thinks he's going to marry. If he's being paid by the mine owner to COVER UP Annie's murder, maybe that might explain the reason why he'd try to pin her death on Clark?

And why would the other scientist have let Clark wonder around the place INSANE for 6 yrs? These are highly educated people. Surely they'd have gotten Clark some professional help.

As for Hank getting help, we also saw all of those REDNECKS (as Danvers calls them) or SLEDNECKS (slang name for Alaskans) helping him hunt for Clark. And didn't some of them also show up at the hospital and attack the hospital staff? So there's an answer to where Hank got some help.

If something in those ICE CORES caused Clark & the others to go INSANE, that may also explain the reason why no one from Tuttle wants to go anywhere near the ICE CORE samples???

There's something wrong because certain things just don't quite seem to add up right.

We also saw a video of the SCIENTIST with RED CUPS in their hands acting as if they were drunk. So maybe they were also drinking some of that MOON SHINE that Navarro turned down because she didn't want to GO BLIND???

So we've got CONSTANT DARKNESS, Mental Illness, Ghosts, Still Births, Caribou leaping off cliffs, the POLLUTED WATER from the MINE, maybe something in the ICE SAMPLES, and the MOONSHINE???


Clarke was reported as walking around nude before and no one did anything about it. So that implies he did that a lot so they were used to it. Plus, they needed him for whatever they were doing. So as long as he was functional for the job he did, they didn't care if was nude and howling at the moon. Plus we had the story that his mother won't speak to him. So he did have problems before he even got to Tsalal.

It seems strange that they kept that same team there with absolutely no turnaround in tour of duty. Not even for mental health. Why? There must be a long list of scientists who would want to get up to that region for research and the station itself was pretty swank. Especially when comparing it to the villagers homes.

Maybe Tuttle knows ALL of the team was dangerous. This show is partly based on The Thing. Whatever they are looking for is enough to label them contaminated. Maybe that is the reason why they couldn't leave? Why they only had contact with the delivery man, a Native engineer and a few cleaning ladies? If that were the case, then Clarke messed up big time getting involved with Annie.

I don't know about the moonshine angle. Why get that when they get primo deliveries whenever they ask? Did you see all the fancy stuff in their kitchen etc? Compare it to Navarro having to shell out 20 dollars for a cereal at the local supermarket. Again the Native engineer knows something. You don't quit a cushy job like that unless it was dire.

Caribou going off cliffs could be due to solar flare energy. It causes a lot of disturbance in the earth. Current theory is that it changes or is changing the poles. Also the energy used by animals to navigate. A flare could cause the electrical problems in Tsalal.


The reason why Annie shows up is because she went with Susan who would cut their hair. And Susan also seems to be normal enough. So why didn't she and the other cleaning ladies who went there on a regular basis also get contaminated by the ICE Samples?

When a pack of Oreo cookies also cost $20 (Navarro's sister buys some), that could explain the reason why they'd buy the MOONSHINE (which would be cheaper than buying the Alcohol that got shipped up there and would probably also cost at least 4 or 5 times as much as we'd pay).

What kind of fancy stuff is in the kitchen? Completely missed that observation. Which episode do we see it in? I'll check it out at the Max Streaming site (HBO hasn't loaded this TD season to ON DEMAND yet).

You're absolutely right about the guy named "OLIVER" knowing something. But since he also didn't know the Scientist were dead, apparently he's not the one who killed them.

And since we didn't see him in Ep. 1, he wouldn't be a suspect for that reason (unless we only got a very brief glimpse of him ... like back in S1 when the lawnmower guy goes by ... and no one notices him for that reason)??? Because we were also told in an interview by the actress who plays Rose that we've already seen the killer(s) in Ep. 1.

A SOLAR FLARE or CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) would also have caused us to see some NORTHERN LIGHTS (due to them hitting our MAGNETIC FIELD that protects us from them).

And yes The POLES have also changed many times throughout Earth's history. And yes animals also use the Magnetic field as a way to navigate. Not sure about the electrical problems though. But then we also couldn't see the sky when the lights flickered, whereas we could see it when the Caribou leap off the cliff.

we don't have a timeline on how long it took to terrorize them that much and then how long it took him to drag them out into the ice.

Just watched the first 5 min of Ep. 1 again. When it begins it says it's DEC 17TH the LAST SUNSET of the year. And then we watch the Sun Setting as the Caribou leap off the cliff. And before the delivery guy shows up it says it's DEC 20th, which means it's been 3 days since we saw one of them making the sandwich that Danvers finds when she shows up.

The kitchen has a Microwave oven, a nice rack for KNIVES and a nice mixing bowl. The fridge is also large, but not a side-by-side double door like the newer ones they sell now. They also have an exercise room with a treadmill and the hallway also looks like it might be a college dorm or hospital setting (which is also ODD that only 1 guy had his own room when it looked like there was plenty enough room for everyone to have their own room).

When the delivery guy shows up, on the outside you also see lots of WINDOWS at least 3 or 4 stories high (as if it might be a fancy hotel that he arrives at).

And since it's TWILIGHT when the story begins, that might also explain the reason why we don't yet see any Aurora's in the sky.

Also NOTE the way the WALLS are the same color BLUE as Hank paints the room in his place. And you also see orange as well (same colors you see at the CRAB factory and elsewhere).

ORANGE & BLUE scenes:
Annie 7 yrs ago as the Midwife:
Crab Factory
Ice Rink

And the Scientist writing on the WHITE BOARD also tells another one there's been NO CHANGE. But by the time Danvers arrives that same WHITE BOARD has several items CIRCLED in RED with that other WE'RE ALL DEAD message written on it. So whatever happens took place at the same time as the CARIBOU freaked out (because the guy was also about to bite into his sandwich that was never eaten when Clark freaks out).

Do you think it's possible NAVARRO could be the ALTER EGO of DANVERS, or that Navarro talks to a Dead Danvers (the same way as Rose talks to Travis)?

That scene where we see both Navarro and Danvers looking down into the ICE (its on the home page here):

kinda creates or gives the impression that they might both be the SAME PERSON.

Above them it also says:


But then Peter also spoke to Navarro when he shows her and DANVERS the Cell Phone VIDEO of Annie saying that "she'd found it" (whatever she finds inside of the ICE CAVE).



LEAH in Orange with BLUE WALLS ... like we see at the Tsala Station ... and like the COLOR that Hank used to paints the walls at his place:

When we all fall asleep is this where we go???

To this "ORANGE and BLUE" place in the land of ice and snow???

Even the HULA DOLL on the Dash Board of the Delivery Man's Blue Truck with Orange lights wears an Orange Grass Skirt and a BLUE BRA.


Here's still another great theory about how the Scientist or LUND (the Amputee in the hospital) consumed ANTIFREEZE PROTEINS which may be the reason why he was kept alive in the ice:

Lund, the founder of tsalal, did work on “structural analysis of the mitochondrial protein important “FOD” complex” per the website bio in Part 1. I looked into this, and "FOD" (fuzzy oil drop) model is associated with “antifreeze proteins”, which are produced by certain animals, plants, fungi, bacteria that permit survival in subzero temperatures. They bind to ice crystals and inhibit growth/ recrystallization of ice that would be fatal (or cause cellular / genomic damage).

These actually exist in commercial food products now as they’ve been sequenced & synthesized to help with shelf life/freezer burn. They’re also loaded in the traditional diets of arctic indigenous populations. All of this is relevant to the scientists work. We're told by Danvers' teacher friend that the scientists had no hope of obtaining viable samples from the ice cores/permafrost. But the presence of antifreeze proteins in these regions could indicate that they did in fact know what they were doing, and this (Lund’s work in this field) was why Lund had the idea to set up Tsalal in the first place.


The guys in that facility are living nice. They have a state of the art work out room. When you see the delivery guy show up, he announces he has funions. On a shelf, you can see they have at least two big jars of maple syrup. When one of the guys was making his sandwich he announces it has prosciutto in it. Do you really think they were paying out of their own pockets for that? Was the rest of Ennis have that on hand? And as you mentioned before Clarke had an easy 10k on hand for his love nest. These guys were living well. Better than 80 to 90 percent of the town.


Good points about how someone else probably pays for the place where they stay, but would someone also pay for the booze that they consume, especially if they are there to work for the person, who may also not want those who work for them to be intoxicated and therefore also not able to do their jobs?

When mentioning Clark paying 10K for that run down looking RV, the point was also being made that maybe someone else paid for it and decorated it as a way to SET UP Clark and blame him for the murder of Annie K.

And since one of the scientist who sees her TONGUE there under the table was also surprised to see it there, one also gets the impression that the tongue was also placed there as a way to SET UP Clark and/or the other researchers and connect them to the murder of ANNIE.

So that would also explain the reason why Clark's on the run now if he has been SET UP by someone.

But how likely is it that EVERYTHING in this town has an ORANGE & BLUE TINT to it??? One of the researchers also wears an ORANGE & BLUE T shirt, and the other one has an ORANGE & BLUE KNIT CAP on his head. Even when the delivery guy in the BLUE & ORANGE truck arrives the STATION is bathed in ORANGE LIGHT and the SNOW has a BLUE TINT to it.

How normal is it to have nearly EVERYTHING that we see bathed in these ORANGE & BLUE COLORS?

Doesn't that also seem to indicate we might be in some kind of an ALTERED STATE of REALITY???

What, for example, if the story ends with a fight between Danvers and Navarro ... who shoves Danvers under the ICE into the water ... and then keeps her from getting out of it again?

And then maybe the scene shifts to where we discover the entire story has been told to the other cops from Navarro's point of view?

Wouldn't that also leave us with the impression that Navarro also killed the other guy who killed his girlfriend, and maybe she also killed the other guy with HALF of his HEAD missing, and she probably also placed Annie's tongue at the Station as well???

Couldn't something like that also explain the reason for constantly seeing all of the ORANGE & BLUE COLORS? And if she kills Danvers and tries to blame it on someone else, wouldn't that also leave us with the impression that she's probably also the one who somehow manipulates everything that else we've seen happening?

Also NOTE the way that she told Annie's brother that GOD talks to her and she LISTENS (which could also mean she thinks GOD tells who to kill)???


They had beer. So I would think Tuttle pays them well and stocks the facility well because they know these guys are on hazard duty. The delivery guy made a special trip for them because they called for more food.

I don't think anyone else purchased that RV. All the guys were making good money and probably sent the extra to their families at home. Clarke's mother wouldn't speak to him. So he had nowhere to spend his money. Obviously Ennis isn't burning down with excitement and it looks as if visiting it wasn't encouraged at the facility. He used his extra money for that trailer. His one escape from Tsalal.

The thing about the tongue, is that the only place to keep a tongue that well preserved was at Tsalal. That kind of preservation is too good for it to have been in a kitchen freezer.

The colors are used for perception.

The primaries used to be red, blue and green. When mixed they create Magenta, cyan and yellow.

Blue is a straight primary. But Orange is made by mixing red to green making yellow and then adding back red. So it is a more evolved color. In numerology it is a master number 33.

So basically the colors point out the mundane and the supernatural. That leads us back to Navarro being told that Ennis is splitting between reality and unreality.

I don't think Navarro is involved with the murders. I think Hank is doing Tuttle's dirty work but I don't think he had anything to do with Annie's demise. After all Annie was looking to destroy the mine not Tsalal.

The spiral symbol is akin to the swastika. Both are depictions of the zodiac. The bear could be Ursa Major and the teddy bear Ursa Minor. In the sky position, Ursa minor is under the claws of the dragon/draco.

One of the original meanings for the name Tuttle (scandinavian origin) was Thor's Cauldron. There is a Thor's helmet nebula in the Canis Major constellation. It is conjunct with the Sirius dog star.

Something celestial is important to not only S4 but S1 too.


One more thing

Thor would take a disguise of a bear when visiting human lands.


Thanks for posting the info about the colors, Thor, etc.

Remember when the woman at the crab factory (who hit the man with the bucket) asked Navarro who her Aka sp? was? And someone else (OLIVER) also wanted to know what her NATIVE name was that her mother had given her.

What if the story ends with Navarro being interviewed by the Cops (which means everything that we've seen could also have been NARRATED to us by her as an UNRELIABLE NARRATOR).

Then maybe someone else mentions how the NATIVE NAME that her mother gave her is SEDNA???

Wouldn't that also create the impression that she's been on a rampage of revenge for the deaths of Annie and the Still Born babies, and maybe she's also angry at way the water of the town has been polluted as well?

And didn't she also get upset and tell Danvers that Hank and the other cops were in cahoots with those who own and work at the mine? And in that Flashback scene we also saw how much she was moved by the birth of the baby that Annie delivered before Navarro arrested her.

And she and Danvers also keep making Snarky remarks to each other regarding her Native beliefs. And Danvers also got into the other heated argument with Pete's wife and her grandmother. I just hope LEAH won't be the next murder victim (which is also what Danvers is afraid of happening). Because something like that would probably also drive Danvers over the edge (like the Caribou).

And I also hope Navarro won't be the one to murder Leah as a way to drive Danvers there. Remember how she also asked Danvers if she ever felt like walking out onto the ice and ending it all??? And then we've also seen the image of Danvers down under the ice in the water??? Was that a dream? Or a foreshadowing of what's to come?

Others also think Peter might be the killer. That he only pretends to work for Danvers as a way to keep tabs on her for others like his father. So who knows?

And if Danvers dies, watch the mother of Leah's love interest get the blame for it. Remember how she called Danvers to complain and lied about her daughter being 15 when she's really 16?

Also wonder if the other drunk woman that she locked up (the one who has sex with Hank), was deliberately trying to hit Danvers with her car the night she missed???

Hopefully Rose will be back again this coming Sunday, because I like her a lot and miss her.



Since we saw LUND (the Amputee Scientist) speaking to Navarro in the hospital right before he dies, and that may have been a result of her hallucinating, is it possible the other MURDER/SUICIDE scene where Wheeler whistles "Twist & Shout" was still another hallucination???

We assume it wasn't a hallucination because we connect the song with Danvers (due to the way that we also heard "Twist & Shout" playing in the other scene where she remembers playing with her son). But what if Wheeler was already DEAD when they arrive, and this was still another hallucination of Navarro who only imagines what we see???

In that case, couldn't we also connect the Dead Guy whistling "Twist & Shout" to the way that they also find it repeatedly playing at the Research Station??? Thus, also making Navarro a suspect if the same song is playing that she hallucinates about when they find Wheeler???


didn't the character from S1 also hallucinate the same way as Navarro's sister does?

In a FLASHBACK Scene we see Navarro's MOTHER freaking out and POINTING her FINGER at her 2 young daughters who are huddled together crying because the behavior of their mother frightens them so much.

Then when LUND (the Amputee Scientist in the hospital) says "Hello Evangeline" to Navarro (right before he FLATLINES and dies), he also POINTS his FINGER at her (the same way as we saw her MOTHER doing in that FLASHBACK scene).

So there's obviously some kind of a connection, and the question to ask is was what we saw in the hospital a result of Navarro hallucinating.

The other thing to note is how her sister Julia has BLUE HAIR (like Annie also had BLUE STREAKS in her hair in the photos that Danvers examines). And Pete's young son Darwin also draws the picture of the woman with BLUE HAIR. Plus several other women also wear those 3 black lines on their chins like Annie did (which the Grandmother also drawns on the chin of Danvers Step daughter).

And Navarro also claims that her mother walked out onto the ice and was Murdered. But what if she wasn't killed and she's still alive??? Could she be the one that LUND told Danvers is "OUT there in the Ice who came for them in the DARK???"

Still another thing to NOTE is the way that OLIVER (the former Equipment Engineer at the Research Station) Freaks Out and chases Navarro out of his Hut with his gun when she refused to tell him her Native name. In other words, after he discovers the Scientist are dead, it's almost as if he also realized Navarro had something to do with their deaths. And it's also strange how he specifically asked about LUND (the guy who points his finger at Navarro ... the same way as her Mother did in the Flashback scene when she was still a young child).

Then we've also got her BLUE HAIRED SISTER Julia sitting on the ICE out in the middle of nowhere in a WRECKED BOAT of some kind talking about THE SEA. And Navarro also knew exactly where she was and how to find her when she goes missing.

And it's also strange how Pete wasn't able to find any records regarding Oliver, whereas Navarro knew how to find him (info which she gets from QAVVIK after telling him about her past).

Did QAVVIK try to SET UP Oliver and blame him for the murders that he had nothing to do with? Is Navarro being used and manipulated by the Bar Owner who also employs her sister JULIA???

Another thing to NOTE is the ODD way that he treats his DOG and how NAVARRO warns him that it's going to EAT HIM one day. Because QAVVIK also drew a comparison between the DOG and Navarro having the same kind of a personality.


when LUND (the Amputee Scientist in the hospital) says "Hello Evangeline" to Navarro (right before he FLATLINES and dies), he also POINTS his FINGER at her (the same way as we saw her MOTHER doing in that FLASHBACK scene).

So there's obviously some kind of a connection, and the question to ask is was what we saw in the hospital a result of Navarro hallucinating.

After what we saw in Ep. 4, this means the WHEELER guy who killed his girlfriend was probably already DEAD when Navarro & Danvers arrived (just like Danvers told Peter).

And in the PREVIEWS for Ep. 5 we've also got a lot more of this kind of CREEPY FINGER POINTING going on.

PLUS Navarro also denies it when Danvers asked her if she saw something when she sees LUND pointing his finger at her in the hospital. But who can blame her if she's also afraid of ending up like her sister???

And after Navarro was BEATEN UP so badly (by the guy that she arrested for Hitting the other woman at the Crab Factory and his 2 friends), because of the way that they broke her tooth and kicked her in her RIB area, I'm also wondering if these guys might be the ones who killed Annie.

If so, then that also means this one KILLER would be one of the first characters that we meet following the scene with the hunter and the caribou.


That's dumb.
