MovieChat Forums > True Detective (2014) Discussion > If you liked season 2 more than season 1...

If you liked season 2 more than season 1 you might be retarded.

No seriously, get that checked out.


I laughed out loud at your comment and agree---thanks.


You always sucked at posting, Jimbo.


You're like one of the biggest cucks on here. Why'd you bump a 2 year old thread?



I disagree completely on the "might be'" part.


I watched Ep1. Season 2 and couldn't get past the miscasting of Vaughn and Farrell, but the supporting cast didn't help much at all. Unlike the first Season where they recruited local people from that region the entire cast of Season 2 looks like a hodge-podge of failed L.A. transplant actor trash that end up on reality TV shows when they can't land bit parts on network or cable TV shows.
