MovieChat Forums > Frances Ha (2013) Discussion > All White Cast is troubling

All White Cast is troubling

I know, I know. No one wants to hear about race, especially in such a quirky, hipster movie. But this is one of those problems that some quirky films have, like Amelie. You have this big metropolitan city, this great story, quirky characters, but little to no people of color in sight. That's just not realistic. Not at all. And in my opinion, it's like the writers or director has tunnel vision.



Interesting point. I didn’t notice it at the time, but looking back on the film, I think you raise a valid issue. Lena Dunham faced a similar criticism after the first season of Girls, which she took to heart. As a result, I think Girls ended up as a better show. I love many of the new supporting characters. I especially loved her relationship with Donald Glover’s character and wished it had lasted more than two episodes. The end result is a richer show while still holding true to Lena Dunham’s reality. I think this is something for this and other film makers to keep in mind.


Oh puh-lease! Not the Race Card! Again! I am SO sick of the Race Card. Can't you just watch the film without getting into race?

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


Someone already stated but, what the heck: Most NYC Hipsters only associate with other white people. In fact, when you go to certain places in NY, the only people of color are nannies. Not sure if you are from New York, but it's just like every other place where social groups are racially segregated. Not saying its a good thing, but I hate that everyone assumes NY is a multiracial paradise.

Ain't nothing going on but the rent


"Mandatory" diversity is troubling. Along with SJW writers with an agenda and people claiming to be offended at every little thing, it is ruining Hollywood.


I find it refreshing not to always have a TN in every movie!


It seems that overall predominately white films generally have a lot more diversity than predominately black, Hispanic or Asian films.
Does diversity just mean anything but white?


I think the OP is an asshole. That’s my thought.


your not wrong. whats wrong with an all white cast? its cool if u make a all black cast but libtards will call u a nazi if u make a movie with an all white cast. total bogus. white people are the most oppressed race these days....


I guess I do not try to count the number of people of each race in a movie. Sounds like a fun hobby. Maybe I will pick that up.


Good god. People who deem things "troubling" or "problematic" - efff em!
