reignite the DU!
Mummy doing 400m wasn't too bad. Universal they should just go 'fuk it' and go ahead with their DU - Bride of Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, Invisible Man, Black Lagoon, Phantom etc. The first couple of movies no mention of Mummy'17 or any DU connections so would appear to be like a reboot/each movie unto itself version of the Universal Monsters. and then at some point reintroduce Crowe in a Nick Fury/David Dunn style end credits cameo (which would be like a shock to the audience as thered have been no hint that these new movies were connected to the Mummy'17/DU at all) and then keep going and have the odd DU connection creeping into the movies with the aim being an eventual DU Avengers type movie for release around the mid/late 2020s (where Cruise could appear again lol) which could gross the $1b they hoping (and if they can make around 400m+ off budgets around 150m for the rest then what's wrong with that? otherwise its just all superheroes and SW in the cinema with the occasional F&F and JW. and ive heard people saying well no one is interested in Universal Monsters now as they too old and any fans are too old/dead to go to the movies everyone was desperately wanting Iron Man, Capt America, Thor movies etc before they did them huh?)