Sequel or reboot

Those last few mummy movies were pretty pathetic. It seems like Hollywood is just cashing in on burnt out old ideas these days. Can nothing be original anymore? Bat man, superman, the avengers (and all the spinoffs), Jack reacher, Robocop, terminator, total recall, star wars, star trek, Indiana Jones, Jurassic park, hell, even game of thrones (which is great) are all based on books or older movies. Can no one be original anymore?


Based off the trivia, it's a reboot.
I agree with you about the sequels.


It's remake since same title as the mummy last movies .


It's a reboot. From what I read, it sounds like a reboot of the original, original Mummy movie from the 30's.

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.
