F.A.Q. This is a remake of the original 1932 picture.....Stupid Answer.
"This is a remake of the original 1932 picture. The Brendan Fraser remake franchise took very little from the original, and there is no relation to those films. "
The Brendan Frasier first Mummy Movie had a lot that was analogous to the Karloff version. Priest in Love with Royal Female. The Sacred Scrolls, Ardeth Bay, Karloffs adapted name in public use for Magi Oded Fehr.
The Mummy needed to kill one woman to bring back his beloved Acknsanahmun, Gods displeased and like God Isis in Karloff film, reduces him to a mortal and therby destructible being, Karloff movie had the sacred scrolls being zapped and burned.
Plenty more here but this new abomination does not, even with a simple trailer, bares even less then a comparison to the Karloff film. But from descriptions it does seem that they have brought back a being that also wants to bring ruin on the world.