So... they made an unlicensed Uncharted movie?
Sure looks like it...
The IMDb forums: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Sure looks like it...
The IMDb forums: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Warning! The Monster is loose!
Thank god someone else said it first! I was thinking the same thing!
Whatever you are, be a good one.
Yes because Uncharted invented action-adventure........wait....that's not true
Porch Monkey 4 Life
Could I possibly have drawn that comparison because the similarites between The Mummy and Uncharted go a little deeper than just adhering to a very rough action adventure formula? Yes!
Watch the behind the scenes featurette... Cruise and Wallis look like Nathan and Elena, the airplane scene is lifted in great parts from Uncharted 2 and there is a modern setting with exotic places. The whole aesthetic and the action set pieces are closer to Uncharted than in any other movie I've seen so far (except maybe Sahara). And believe me... I watched plenty of movies (my Blu-ray/DVD collection is coming up on 1.500 items).
The IMDb forums: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
A modern setting with exotic locations? An airplane action scene? Uncharted really invented all that? I really don't think you have watche plenty of movies.
Porch Monkey 4 Life
Jesus man... I'm talking about the very particular aesthetic of it all. I never said anything about Uncharted inventing that kind of stuff. Terminator wasn't the first Cyborg movie either, but it has a very distinct look and feel that you would recognize immediately if someone copied it. Catching on yet?
The IMDb forums: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Is it possible this movie might be inspired a bit by that action-adventure series known as.....the Mummy?
The aesthetic you speak of is quite broad. Exotic locals and exploding airplanes.
Porch Monkey 4 Life
When you consider Uncharted is a ripoff Indiana Jones your theory begins to fall apart.