MovieChat Forums > The Mummy (2017) Discussion > Would you have known this was a trailer ...

Would you have known this was a trailer for The Mummy without...

..knowing the title of it? I feel like if I had just been shown this trailer in the theater, not knowing what it was called from the start, I would've been really surprised to know this was called The Mummy. The trailer spent to much time on the plane crashing.

If I didn't know the title was The Mummy, I would've been shocked when the title popped up. It didn't like The Mummy to me. It felt more like a typical action movie with Tom Cruise. Guess we will see.


There was the big sarcophagus.


I honestly thought it was for a TV show with how long it spent on one scene. Certainly not a typical movie trailer. And I was a good test subject because I had heard nothing about this reboot.

It's a shame. I'm one of those people that actually really enjoyed the first two films of the Brendan Frasier/Rachel Weisz franchise.


I agree completely. Judging from the trailer, it does not look or feel like The Mummy. I was actually excited for this film until I saw the trailer. It does not give off any scary or mysterious vibes, or even any of the camp of the Brendan Fraser film. It looks like yet another Tom Cruise action movie marketed for fans of Tom Cruise action movies, not for fans of the 1932 or 1999 films, or of monster movies in general. The title could have popped up and said "Mission Impossible: Egyptian Protocol" and it would have been equally as fitting.


If it was called MI: Egyptian protocol would you still watch it?
