MovieChat Forums > The Mummy (2017) Discussion > It's a joke, right? I mean that trailer ...

It's a joke, right? I mean that trailer must be a joke.

Tome Cruise in Mummy: Impossible meets Ware of the UnderWorlds. I can't help but laughing. Another been-there-seen-that-Cruise-action movie, slap the "The Mummy" title on and you've got a reboot. Next we get Liam Neeson in "Invisible Identity" or how about shape shifting Monsters of "Franken Formers" and of course "Star Wolves - The Talbots Strike Back". I thought "The Mummy Returns" was trash but maybe I should give it another try.

No, seriously, this is a joke, right? 😭


Totally agree with you. What bewilders me is this crap actually gets funded.


Maybe it was funded because there is Cruise in it.


it will make a billion dollars...are you familiar with how Hollywood works?

~I see a little silhouette of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango.


they will do better trailers later


You are not making sense at all. Maybe Star Wars was bad because it was like Bridges of Madison County, but Transformers was good because it copied The Little Mermaid a lot.




still hoping it's a joke. I mean it looks like mission impossible with a mummy in it.i love MI but this was supposed to be more on the horror side

even equiped with a shovel and you couldn't dig this


It's probably not going to be a cinematic masterpiece, but I still thought the trailer made the movie seem quite entertaining, like good schlock with a high budget.
And I'll still take something like this that at least tries something sort of new, and isn't based on your next comicbook franchise, over the next pointless pretentious Marvel super hero movie, with the exact same plot, colorgrading, pacing, characters, style, humor, music, effects, atmosphere and tone as the last 15 Marvel movies.
