MovieChat Forums > The Mummy (2017) Discussion > I see CGI....I lose all interest.

I see CGI....I lose all interest.

Everyone in Hollywood needs to be fired. It's time to start over with new people who aren't lazy...people who actually care what films look like and still care about practical effects.


You are literally the worst kind of person.


Yeah, let's create a giant sandstorm in the middle of London using real sand. Good idea!


I love practical effects and I really think more filmmakers need to use more practical effects. But it is a myth that all practical effects look amazing. There are bad practical effects just like bad CGI. CGI does more than a lot of people realize. Bad special effects will be more noticeable when the story and characters don't connect with you. Also it is honestly insulting to the people who spend hours upon hours crafting a computer image to sit there and call those people lazy. I'm glad you don't work in the film industry with your narrow minded views on the filmmaking process.


Well said Michael!


Well said Michael!



I absolutely agree. What's the point anyway? It will always look fake.


CGI is a tool. Like any tool, it has good uses and bad uses.


It looks almost 100% fake all the time.


It looks almost 100% fake all the time.

No it doesn't. Most of the time you probably don't even realize when it's being used.


I always do, I've trained my eye, seen films for years, it always looks fake, specially now.


Do you realize what CG is used for? I don't mean to come off as rude but I seriously doubt you. I believe you think you can spot it all the time.


lol try me.


No its doesn't. Films likes The Jungle Book or Dawn of the Planet of the Apes would be impossible without CGI. Practical Effects can only do so much.




Oh really? Then, by all means, prove me wrong?

Dawn of the planet of the Apes, Godzilla, Jungle Book. They were all done through the use of CGI and motion capture.


lol they were planet of the apes and godzilla before digital. There is literally nothing that can't be done on film. Nothing of worth at least.


Oh is that right?


CG is bad when it calls attention to itself. This was a problem with the 1999 Mummy and it looks like it's just as obtrusive in the 2017 Mummy.


lol they were planet of the apes and godzilla before digital. There is literally nothing that can't be done on film. Nothing of worth at least

Yes but they couldn't be done they way they were without CGI. The new Apes wanted to go for more realistic depictions of ape behavior and have them look real as well. I love the original Apes movies and their makeup work but that type of design would never work for the new Apes films (which are the best Apes films since the original). Practical makeup effects did not help Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes movie did it? Nor did some of the weaker entities in the original Planet of the Apes franchise? And come on you how can you say that the old Godzilla movies look as good as the new one does (or at least imply it)? You may have a preference to that but the new Godzilla is a visually stunning movie. The same goes for the new Jungle Book.

Godzilla is debatable but the newest Jungle Book and Apes movies have what you need for a great movie, great characters, good story telling. The CGI serves the purposes the story.


Well the new ones didn't look real either so.


And the originals look more real? Is that what you 're getting at?


Sexy Mummies aren't scary, eerie or creepy. At least maybe this won't be a comedy like the dopey 90's movies.

Oh, and I lost interesting knowing that Kurtzman was directing.

...keeps alive the weak, the stupid, the lazy that breed and multiply, weakening the human race


This one looks awful! The CGI looks bad and it all looks cheesy and dumb.



CGI never looks real to me. I admire those special effects wizards who can pull of amazing practical effects but not so much those sitting in front of a computer. The effects in the original King Kong are still more astounding today than either of the remakes.



I think it's interesting that a lot of people here are ignoring the large amount of practical effects and stunts that they are doing in the movie. The behind the scenes look shows that. And also this movie is still several months away they are still working on visual effects.
