WHEN Are They Going To Start Casting Egyptians As They Were... AFRICANS!
This actress is NOT AFRICAN. It is a known fact DNA proven that Egyptians were AFRICANS.. OF what is NOW refereed to as "Sub Saharan" Africans.
Just because you were born on a continent does not mean that you are of the race indigenous to the people of the continent!
If I were born in Japan would my race be Asian?
For the Love Of GOD PLEASE Stop with this.. Fake Ass "Socially Correct" Liberal Hollywood went all the way to Algeria to get an Actress when there are MILLIONS and i mean MILLIONS of descendants Of "Sub Saharan" Egyptians here in the USA!!
I mean you would think that FAKE AS FK liberals would stop with this BULLSPIT!! .. Nope they are just going to keep on going pretending to be better than racist contards!
You could have cast an African American just like you cast white Americans in this film..
My Happy Dance For Haters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1avQ_nefag