Why does Trevor's face look...
Too small for his head?!
shareHe looks like he could be George W. Bush's secret son.
Thank you for curing me of my ridiculous obsession with love.
That's it; thought I recognized the weaselly look! ;-/
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His eyes are so close together it's distracting. He's a dick, so I don't feel so bad saying that.
shareThe body's rocking though! Fortunately I can't overlook his rotten behavior and attitude! I wouldn't touch him! ;-/
- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage
Gross. He has a short freckled little body covered in bad tattoos and he walks like a bowlegged ape.
Catonryewithmayo: your comment made me choke on my beef cheeks! 😉
Blocking trolls since 1999!
As long as it wasn't oysters with grenadine!
shareLol what kind of Frankenstein horror show was THAT! 😖
Blocking trolls since 1999!
Right?! Oysters are gross enough on their own; no need to add drink mixer! I've always thought oysters were gross and looked like phlegm, but then I saw some videos of parasites in them and there is just no way....
shareWell something's wrong with him! He seems oblivious to how rotten a character he's been since day 1! He went right to work being a jerk! ;-/
- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage
Fetal alcohol syndrome?
I think he resembles Ryan Lochte! He has the pPivileged White Male aire about him.