Ben's jealousy...

... is so frickin cute. i swear he tries to hide it but it would be obvious for anyone with eyes!
ugh, they need to hook up again already!
but i admit it's cute seeing a guy get like that
you can just see it in his facial expressions

#cloneclub /i am the topic closer, the real topic closer//if you post after me a faerie gets cookies


Agreed, but ben had his chance and he didn't want to commit. He just wanted a convenient *beep* buddy on the boat. So does the jealousy reveal he has real feelings or is it he's jealous he doesn't have anyone.


hmmm good question
i'd venture to say both, only if he really wanted to he could get with the british blonde girl (forgot her name) with the curly hair! he fancies her a bit and he can charm her way more than any of the other two bozos on boat...

#cloneclub /i am the topic closer, the real topic closer//if you post after me a faerie gets cookies


Yea i can possibly see that happening. I wonder how Kate would feel! Although she does seem happy with her current relationship.


Ummm... Not so much, Since the show ended filming Kate was arrested for domestic assault on her now ex.


Ben is lucky to have stepped away from Kate or else he would be the one covered with bite marks.
