MovieChat Forums > Below Deck (2013) Discussion > All the love for Emily???

All the love for Emily???

Ok, I don't get it. Is it because these guys have a VERY limited selection of ladies? Emily is not AT ALL this knockout that she is being portrayed.


Totally agree. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I see Emily as a skinny, bug-eyed, buck-toothed, bird-faced girl with no curves. She is sweet and polite, but I wouldn't find her at all appealing if I was on that crew.


ugh, not everyone has to be kim kar(trash)dashian look-alike to be attractive.
emily is not portrayed as a knock out! no one is trying to make you believe she's the next VS supermodel or some kind of video-hoe in the makingg.
some men like their women skinny, cute, feminine and delicate!
and you know what? to their credit and hers she appears to be down to earth and charming which can top fake titteys some time (well, for the more educated gentlemen)
de gustibus non est disputandum

#cloneclub /i am the topic closer, the real topic closer//if you post after me a faerie gets cookies


You forgot BLOND


Emily has class and has a sweet personality. She is the cute, girl next door, girlfriend type rather than a sexy one night stand bombshell. I think her accent and British reserve are intriguing to the American guys, just the way Ben's accent and British humor are attractive to so many of the stews on the show.



I agree with ABBA. (Not only that, but the pickings ARE slim - you have a lesbian and an airhead for stews and Lauren, who I like but none of the guys seem to be attracted to her. ?)

As far as Ben, he has had a lady every single season and he isn't really a looker either. He doesn't have big muscles, in fact he has a little pot belly. But everyone seems to love him - even everyone here loves him.


Being fed well trumps looks; didn't you know that? 

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Ben is cute but not handsome or hot looks-wise.. but once he starts talking 😍😍😍. His deep voice, that accent, and his wit and humor plus chef talents are all very attractive, plus that infectious laugh!



I agree with ABBA. (Not only that, but the pickings ARE slim - you have a lesbian and an airhead for stews and Lauren, who I like but none of the guys seem to be attracted to her. ?)

I think Lauren's problem is that she is part of the deck crew - in other words, best friend material. Had she been on serving staff I think it would be different.
Personally, I think she actually has the prettiest face of all the femmes on board.

Kate has too much RBF and the airhead is one bus stop from being Forrest Gump. Emily is cute - and not sexually aggressive. Look at the cutaway shots showing the previous drunken servers who were climbing all over Ben sucking his tonsils out. It was the pleasant, down to earth, more reserved female who got his serious attention. Slutty Slutensteins are for fun, not for feelings.


Emily has what some would call "wife material". Not crazy, sweet nor too flirty. Also smart & independent. Could see a lot of guys liking her for the longterm relationship.



Maybe when the only other available options are Kate (a bit long in the tooth, and then there's the lesbian thing), Lauren (hey, bra -- wanta arm wrestle?) or Sierra (puppies and kittens, rainbows and butterflies...and I'm crazzzzy!), Emily's attractiveness number goes up.


You forgot the unicorns! Did you catch Sierra in the laundry room smiling at the iron? She's very odd.


Wouldn't the world be a pretty space where everyone looked the same and was attracted to the same???
I would say it would be horrendous. That's what makes people unique.
See facebook posts of people claiming they are drop dead gorgeous and everyone wants them. I look at the picture and say nah. Unless u r a follow the leader person. I chose to love the man that I find irresistible.
Love who you want. I just don't like the anger in Kellys eyes and tone. She made a choice he should just respect that.


You just expressed exactly what was bothering me about both Kelley and Kyle's behavior after the Sierra/Emily fiascoes.

What right do these two doofuses have to express anger at being rejected after they behaved like a couple of dorky 14-year-olds trying out moves they weren't able to carry off? They both have a lot to learn about behaving like grown ass men. Both of them were basically claiming "I'm going to hit that hard, man" and then fell flat on their faces. Grow the hell up.


I agree and just posted the same. She's cute..sort a kid's pet kinda way. She's a goldfish (eyes), hamster (smile) hybrid from Petco.


mostly cabin fever eyes.
i agree she wasn't anything special.. the accent may be appealing for some audiences.
