The Tip Last Charter

Substandard. They pulled out all the bells and whistles as as Capt Lee stated it just sometimes happens. If I was going to be in the position of being filmed, and tipping for superior service I'd probably over-tip. Who wants to look cheap on national tv? What do you think a fair tip is for a 3 day 2 night cruise? Breakdown: That's about 9 gourmet meals, maid service, private bar service, clothes unpacked, water sports, etc.




If I could afford a cruise on that boat, I'd sure be able to afford an outstanding tip for great service. Undertipping (in any form) is a horrible quality. Can you say 'cheap'?


It was $1100 for a one night cruise. How was that sub-standard? I don't remember the other tips being that much higher. They were around $1200-1400, and given after longer cruises.

Who was the primary? That lady who was eyeing Nico? She probably was expecting more "attention" from Nico, and was disappointed.



Was it really just a one night cruise? I didn't really pay attention to the length of their trip.


It's all relative. How do they know what other charters tipped? Is there some sort of guide so the primary knows the range? They all seem to use the same envelopes which implies there's a tipping guide that accompanies it. Plus I always think about how much cash the hurts and crew are carrying around!

I also wonder if the guests are embarrassed watching this back?


God knows some of them should be, big tips or not. They've had some real oinkers this season. Actually, I take that back because pigs are supposed to be intelligent and clean when allowed to be.


I think the very worst...hardest passengers ended up giving the worst tip. If the passengers give you a lot of trouble, they will always tip badly. Assssssholes are just Assssssholes.


I remember on season 1 the crew getting $300.00 once and never hitting a grand. The economy was doing poorly then was the alleged reason.


The price tag that goes along with renting a luxury yacht, is very steep.. If the clients tipped even 10%-15%, that would be a lot of money..... The tip looks like it is even split among everyone... (There must be a few people working on Valor, that is not part of the filming crew) ...
