MovieChat Forums > Below Deck (2013) Discussion > Jesus, Kyle, enough bitterness over Sier...

Jesus, Kyle, enough bitterness over Sierra saying "No thanks"

She wasn't attracted to you, get over it. Every time you bad mouth her now you look like a tool. Just because she agrees to go on one daytime date (fishing, no less) doesn't mean she has to be interested in you -- or ever was.


Infatuation is by definition irrational! What makes it bad to me is the fact he has a "bird" back home; and a kid with another one!  

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The first "no thanks" that Sierra should have said was to go on that fishing date. I wonder that the show runners didn't put her up to it.


Maybe, but...she did like him initially and wanted to get to know him better but he came on too strong and acted like a fool. Some women do not like being squashed and man handle by a guy they barely know. I totally empathized with her discomfort. Now, knowing that he is IN a relationship w someone back home makes him an even BIGGER tool.


Of course Kyle's "honey" comes for a visit and it "all comes out about Sierra!"  

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And holy schitt, could Ashley have looked more like a guy trying to pass as female in the previews? The caked-on makeup, fake nails, skanky hair -- it was like looking at a cartoon character.


It takes a while to learn the ins and outs of makeup! Even professional drag queens are on a consistent learning curve! 

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True, "Less is more" is the way to go.


It's overcompensation and insecurity when "overdone" like that! Sorry, but she looked more like some random guy they found on the street and slapped some clown makeup on him! It was horrible and I saw what everyone else saw right away; NOT GOOD!  

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I mean seriously, what sort of a dolt takes a woman he's really interested in fishing on their first date? If a guy had asked me to do that when I was young I would definitely put him the "buddy" category from the get-go.

Didn't he say he had been working on a fishing boat when he came aboard? Maybe he thought he would wow her with his manly fishing skills.


Originally Posted by jeddahgal:
I mean seriously, what sort of a dolt takes a woman he's really interested in fishing on their first date?
Equally, don't forget about the dolt that agreed to go fishing.


But he was thinking romance and she was thinking friendship.

I'd have gone on a fishing outing with a buddy, but if I thought he had love on his mind, I'd say "No thanks!"


Sierra and Emily were discussing going out with the dudes.. just to get off the boat in previous episodes.

So.. she just wanted to get away from VALOR, even if it's with Kyle. dude should've got the hint after that.
