Kelley and Kyle: two jerks walk into a bar...
...and behave like a couple of bitter bullies when they don't get what they want.
share...and behave like a couple of bitter bullies when they don't get what they want.
shareI almost got whiplash from Kyle flipping his script
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I'm over Kelley! He's no boss and seems to be about as dumb as his weights; truly dumb! How do you do what he did with the radio and not checking for keys? He knows how high maintenance Dean and his guests can be? You have to be truly AR; "anal retentive" to get the job done to their express liking!
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He reminds me of Bobby from the Med cruise.
"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy
Kelley is a tool. How many chances does Capt. Lee have to give him??
shareMore than I would have! Kelley's lucky to have a job from what little I've seen of his performance this season! Bring back Jason Priestley!
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I have to agree, the screw up with the Intrepid keys was major -- I think this is Kelley's last season after that. I don't think Captain Lee would ever have him back. If it had happened earlier in the season I think he would have been fired or demoted.
Dean does love to make people jump through hoops, doesn't he?
I almost got whiplash from Kyle flipping his script
Because he's a creepy little sod, that's why.