Lauren's A Pain!

She has such a big mouth! Nico may have told her he's the senior deck hand after Kelley fk up! She just couldn't help herself and elevated him to Bosun; blabbing all over the ship! Of course Ben's got to get involved by asking him about it! He's in enough trouble with those stupid flowers being such a nuisance in the galley! What is his problem; seems to want them around more than Em who they were for in the 1st place! All these people are such idiots! How do they make a living acting like this?  

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It's a shame. I really liked Lauren in the beginning. I thought we had a decent female deck hand, hard worker, pulled her weight, good head on her shoulders who got along well with everyone for the first time. Then she had to go and blow it.


No one walks on water and not all personalities can live subtly in small quarters. Lauren is a brash Aussie girl. She doesn't keep secrets and can't hold her liquor. So she has flaws. She is still a much better deck hand than so many others from earlier seasons.

Word of the Day: Emoluments


You're right, she is still the best female deck hand we've had so far..that part, I wasn't criticising.


I like her and that's not just because she's a fellow Australian.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


Maybe when Nico told her that he and Kelley were going to be sharing the responsibilities she misunderstood? Is it possible she thought that meant Nico was another bosun? I can't remember if Nico said he was promoted to senior deckhand or not.


She may have misunderstood. However why did she feel the need to run from person to person telling everyone? It wasn't her place to let everyone know.


Yeah, the tittle-tattle angle was not attractive to watch.


I agree. Running around talking about someone else's biz is not a good look. Lauren talks wayyyy too much!! She may still be unhappy with Kelley for "throwing her under the bus." Remember the Captains impromptu test of her skills at bringing up anchor? Ouch! That tough to watch!


Nico didn't specify. That didn't give Lauren a license to be the town crier. There is something sneaky about Nico though. He seems to seize on little moments of weakness in others to somehow promote himself.



I really dislike Lauren and Nico. They do nothing but complain and never take direction or suggestions for improvement. They just talk crap about their superiors behind everyone's back.
And I really wouldn't put it past Nico to sabotage Kelley.


Nico DID specify. In favt, Lauren came right out and asked him if he was bos’n and he said no, head deckhand.

I, too, loved Lauren in the beginning. But she really annoyed me when she got all dramatic because Nico didn’t reciprocate her crush. She turned into an asshole and continued to act poorly because her feelings were hurt. She allowed that to affect her job performance.
