End of season marks

Captain Lee: A+, as always. Telling them they were going to hand off the boat in better shape than they received it says it all.
Kate: A -- Only real adult in the crew.
Emily: B -- Strong start, not-so-great finish.
Sierra: C -- Lame start, snarky passive/aggressive finish.
Kelley: B -- Maybe the third time will be the charm.
Nico: B -- Charming backstabber, but does his job.
Lauren: C -- Not-so-charming backstabber. And the word is assumed, not asshumed.
Kyle: C -- "I was completely honest..." -- no, not really.
Ben: D -- His treatment of both Kate and Emily at the farewell night out was abysmal; they both deserved better -- underneath it all, a mean fother mucker who says what he really thinks when he drinks.


I think A+ for Cap. Lee is too high, as that means there's absolutely no room for improvement, and there always is. He got cranky when people didn't have their radios with them, but he misplaced his in one episode. And his favoritism of Kate over Kelley was a little unprofessional, especially his screeching at Kelley when he was trying to park the tender. I'd give Lee a solid B+.

I'd also give Kate a B+. She was annoyed by Ben and Emily, yet early on she was constantly texting with Ro herself, when she should have been working. B+.

The others, I think you're spot on, though I would have given Lauren C-.


You're right, he was grouchy but I felt that was a direct result of trying to uphold strict standards for both outside and inside crews without solid, dependable support from anyone but Kate.


What about the poor support staff, way down below? Since they're not on camera, I wonder how do they feel about crew seeming to do it all? They're little more than waitresses, a cook, and laborers wiping down a boat? The captain is obviously important to launch and dock the ship along with keeping crew in line; there would be anarchy without him! The "Med." series had anarchy even with a captain! 

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Capt Lee is a terrible leader. His style, while entertaining, is demeaning and unprofessional.

Sarcasm. Is. Not. A. Leadership. Competency.


You all realize that this is strictly scripted bullshit, like every other MTV “reality” show, right?

You are not that stupid, are you?

I watched it ‘cause I was stuck in a hospital bed and they were stingy with the drugs.
