End of season marks
Captain Lee: A+, as always. Telling them they were going to hand off the boat in better shape than they received it says it all.
Kate: A -- Only real adult in the crew.
Emily: B -- Strong start, not-so-great finish.
Sierra: C -- Lame start, snarky passive/aggressive finish.
Kelley: B -- Maybe the third time will be the charm.
Nico: B -- Charming backstabber, but does his job.
Lauren: C -- Not-so-charming backstabber. And the word is assumed, not asshumed.
Kyle: C -- "I was completely honest..." -- no, not really.
Ben: D -- His treatment of both Kate and Emily at the farewell night out was abysmal; they both deserved better -- underneath it all, a mean fother mucker who says what he really thinks when he drinks.