There's really no such thing as a reputable opinion. Whether or not you agree with them after viewing a film is entirely up to each individual's personal taste.
Most of the movies I consider a 10/10 or a 9/10 don't score too highly with critics. Most of them are in the ~60% range on RT.
I'm just glad I live in the modern world with so many thousands of films that there's something for everyone.
At least, though, Gilliam's undeniably brilliant films, Time Bandits (92%), Brazil (98%), Baron Munchausen (94%), and 12 Monkeys (88%) all have by now garnered the respect they deserve. None of them at the times of their release, save Time Bandits, were lauded by critics. But hey, the most respected opinion of all, Ebert didn't like it until 2004.
Everyone comes around to the good stuff eventually. How a film stands up to time is the real test. A good example of that would be 'There's Something About Mary' vs 'Idiocracy'. The former was a smash success and universally acclaimed... the second was written off entirely.
I doubt anyone today holds Something About Mary in higher regard.