
This may have been asked before, I'm not sure. Any ideas on why Qohen always refers to himself in the plural?



1.-dont think so, Q makes a clear distinction between himself and the rest of humanity.
2.- Perhaps.
3.- Also dont think so, this we thing annoys every character and they chastise him for it and try to correct that.

there is also the fact that several characters point out that the character is not right in his mind, plus he has a world of quirks, like not eating or drinking things.


Purposefully never made clear.

I thought I caught at one point Qohen explains to the girl that it was a technique he'd picked up from a therapist at one point that he just latched onto.

Science can't explain everything, but religion can't explain anything.


It may refer to a multiple personality disorder, which is usually triggered by a traumatic event in the past. Qohen was traumatized since the day he was waiting for that phone call, being a state of waiting and having no more purpose in life, than being told what that purpose is.


no, what was called multiple personality disorder, its now called dissociative personality disorder, its main characteristics, are dissociative fugues and amnesia, he had none of those things.

whatever that WE thing was, he was perfectly aware of it, and even tried to correct it-


yes, what was called multiple personality disorder, its now called dissociative personality disorder, but its still the same thing, which means you havent added any new information. and those symptoms you have listed are not typical for this dysfuction, they may or may not occur, so i think its the right solution, for this problem.


its a type of detachment, which means a total break from reality, having a completely separate stream of consciousness with no recolection from the other not just using a plural,
dissociative means they have a detachment of reality,with no no recolection in a present state, and yes those symptoms are not only typical but they are characteristic of the problem, they are part of the required symptoms for diagnosis on the DSM V.


apparently you havent met anyone who has this disorder and just read some online articles. because there are many stages, in which some symptoms are present and some may be hidden, qohen in this movie seemed to be somewhat aware of this, and could do a self-therapy with the help of that prostitute which the management provided.


no, i have a degree in psychology and did my internship in a psychiatric hospital, i have never met anyone with this disorder, and i can guarantee that neither have you, however i do know this thing called reading, and researching, and dissociative disorders are a serious condition that has to do with interruption of consciousness not with just speaking in plural, such a person would not be able to recall traumatic memories and if he did they would be accompanied by some kind of episode. one symptom does not make a diagnosis (and speaking in plural is not a symptom to be considered for this particular diagnosis) to make a diagnosis one should have 3 or more symptoms and a prevalesence of whatever time the condition requires to be diagnosed, in a persistant and uninterrupted manner.

so dont spout things you know nothing about, or invent things that arent there, the movie did not imply any sort of dissociative disorder.


of course you dont have any degree in anything, if you did you would know im right. please dont think everyone else is a complete fool.


no, not everyone else, just you, so you are to ignorant to get something right, and too stupid to crret yourself when you are proven wrong, what a waste of skin you are.


the way you insult me, and show your aggression, im only proven right about my assumptions. why dont you stay with facts instead of making personal insults to a complete stranger on the internet? werent we talking about dissociative identity disorder? i guess we were, but your ego took over, and you had to make this about yourself, which is sad. if you want to reply please stay with the OPs question, and the topic, thank you.


so you are proven wrong, constantly and cant admit it, either you are a troll or have serious issues.

you insulted me first, assuming where and how i got information i a belittling manner, which i wouldnt have continued if it werent for the fact that you are spouting about things you clearly know nothing about, you have been unable to refute anything i have said, not with any source or explanation of your own, beyond those dumb factoids you put without any backing or source, even when i clearly specified a valid source (the DSM V)

and now you are trying to look like a bigger person or something as a part of the troll act, thats mighty coward of you.

next time you say dumb things, at least get a reference, so you can at least ,blame some one else for your inadequecies, last time i respond to you, since its a waste of my time.

you could have educated yourself after all ignorance can be cured, too bad stupid is forever.


hey relax, dont rage so quick, and look i never insulted you, i was always polite and still am.by the way, we are on a movie message board, and not some hate speech forum, so please dont try to abuse me as your mental trash can. i will discuss anything concerning the orignal topic. maybe a good therapist can help you. you seem to have anger issues with some inferiority complexes, but thats just a suggestion, you need professional help. i hope someone out there can help you, best wishes.


The interpretation that all the characters in the movie are basically aspects of Qohen (see another thread here) fits the "we" best, IMHO. When he says he's tried to use singular that probably means he's tried to let one of the aspects that's more attached to real life take over and it didn't work. So he keeps referring to the 100% of Qohen as "we" while trying to equal it to zero. Meaning: All of me is still nothing. He did prove himself wrong in the end, though.


We don't like to talk about ourselves.


A therapist he was seeing recommended that he refer to himself in the first-person plural as a way of better relating to other people. He says this in the movie.


I think the "we" represents the adoption of the herd instinct and disregard for his own point of view.


he thought of himself as royalty.


best answer so far.


even it is in someway one of the correct answers...
Qohen did say that he think of himself as something different - special, not like the others...



yes, there might be some elements of narcissism?


There are plenty of possibilities, and until Gilliam comes out and says specifically what his intentions were we may never know for certain.

Personally I think it's a part of Qohen's lack of identity.

He is spending his life waiting for some other being to give it a purpose, and in his mind his existence is pointless until he is given that purpose.
He intentionally makes himself as blank and faceless as possible, when he says he used to enjoy food but now only eats things that are tasteless and bland, how he covers the pink sofa to make it grey because the colour is too vibrant for his surroundings.

He refers to himself as "we" because without a purpose he isn't an individual, he is just one tiny cog working for ManCom amongst many thousands of others, so he doesn't seem himself as an "I".
When he's first given the suit he even mentions that he never knows what he is working on, he is just doing bits of work that all add up to something bigger but never knows what the finished product will be.
