Only friendless losers who can't get laid experience this issues...
Look, I like Gillian's work like anybody else (Brazil), and I can dig subjective/existential films (Cube), however this just wasn't well done in my opinion.
I mean, for a moment I actually felt i was back at the shrink mommy and daddy sent me in my teens (hyperactiveness before Ritalin was available), where all I got was endless navel-gazing and square-circling BS pet talk (when the shrink does most of the talking, you're been ripped off, and that is ASSuming the profession is not 100% BS to begin with).
It gained me nothing, and it set my parent back quite a bit.
Then I made more friends, got a girlfriend and voila, all my problems/issues/whatever were suddenly put in proper context and what do you know? Life was still quite imperfect yet still good.
Just answer this: what happily married (or dating bachelor) EVER concerns himself with these ideas? Heck just anyone with real friends for that matter. It always is some loser/loner/weird fella who is simply driving himself crazy due to sheer loneliness (think Taxi Driver).
It's like staring at clouds or the rain: if you do it long enough uninterrupted, trust me you'll start seeing some weird stuff there.
Same as spending too much time with such questions.